The Brunette Is Back

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Freddie POV:

While Sam was in the bathroom I was texting with Carly.

Me: Yeah I'm excited to see you too and we need to talk about that kiss

Me: Yeah what does it mean do you still have feelings for me?

Carly: I'm not sure I just kissed you to see if I did

The thought of Carly determining is she still had feelings for me made me blush extremely hard.

It also made me think, "What if she doesn't have feelings for me?"

I must have zoned out because Carly kept texting me.

Carly: Freddie hello?

Carly: Are you there?

I finally texted back and said

Me: yeah I'm here

Carly: Anyways I don't know when I'll be back. But it will be soon.

Me: Ok I'll talk to you soon bye

Carly: bye

Carly POV:

I knew that I was coming tomorrow but I didn't want Freddie to know. I wanted to surprise him.

Sam POV:

As soon as I got back to the table, Fredward quickly put his phone in his pocket. It made me feel like Freddie is hiding something else from me so I started to bring up Carly to see how he reacts.

"Hey, Fredbag have you heard from Carly recently?". Once I said this a nervous look started to form on his face.

Then he said, "What no why do you ask?". The Fredbag started to sweat like crazy now I know he is hiding something from me.

"Freddie, why are you sweating?" I said.

"No reason its just getting hot in here maybe we should go," he said then he dashed out the door leaving his smoothie right on the table.

I drank the rest of my smoothie thinking "Now I know something is up and I'm gonna find out what".

I threw my smoothie away and walked and made my way to the door.

T-bo came up to me and said: "Hey you want to buy a sweet potato?".

I said "Shut up T-bo" and walked out the front door.

Freddie POV:

I had a feeling Sam is starting to get suspicious so before she could question me anymore I ran out the door. I wanted to tell her so bad but I think it would be funny to see the look on her face when Carly surprises us only when is she coming back.

I must have got lost in my thoughts because Sam started to scream "FREDDIE ARE YOU ALIVE?!". I snapped out of it and she almost gave a heart attack. I grabbed my chest at how bad she startled me.

I finally said to her "Y-yeah I'm alive barely you almost gave me a heart attack".

I must have had a pretty amusing look on my face cause the next thing I knew Sam chuckled and said, "Come on Fredward let's go?". I hoped on the back of her motorcycle and we drove off.

The next day

Carly POV:

When I got off the airplane I couldn't wait to see Sam and Freddie. It was around 10:00 am, but it was so dark outside.

"It's probably gonna rain, well it's Seattle what do I expect?".

I chuckled as I got in a taxi and told him the address of the building.

The taxi driver was talking about the weather or something, but I wasn't really listening all I could think about was Freddie and how I finally get to see his cute face again.

Freddie POV:

I woke up at around 10:00 am and took a shower. Once I got out the shower and got dressed. Then to my surprise, my phone rang and I saw that the caller I.D said, Carly.

I thought to myself "Carly must have some news on when she will be back".

I answered it and said, "Hey was up Carls?".

"Nothing much it's freezing out here".

"Oh is it cold in Italy right now?".

"No, but it's pretty cold in Seattle," she said.

"Wait but how do-". Before I could finish my sentence she said "Cause I'm downstairs stupid" she said jokingly.

Then it hit me, Carly is back, I dropped my phone and ran downstairs.

I almost tripped twice but I didn't care, Carly was back and at this moment that is all that mattered to me.

When I saw Carly standing there she was wearing a white and black flowered shirt light blue jeans and purple flats. She looked more beautiful than when she left. A little bit of drool escaped my lips but I wiped it away immediately before she saw.

I ran towards her and hugged her like I was never gonna she her again. At, first she was shocked but she hugged me back.

Sam POV:

I was on my way to see Benson and when I walked through the door I saw Freddie hugging some girl. This made me feel really weird,  I started to get really uncomfortable, soon enough I cleared my throat to let the know that someone is here.

Freddie saw me and said, "Oh hey Sam look who's back". As soon as he said that they let go and I saw Carly's face. Soon enough I ran up to her and hugged her like there was no tomorrow. I even started to cry it wasn't until this moment that I realized how much I missed her.

I must have hugged her really hard cause she said: "Sam I-I can't breathe".

With that, I let go and said "Sorry".

She said "It's ok"

 A few moments later Freddie said, "Why don't we go upstairs to your apartment".

Carly and I said "Ok" simultaneously. We burst out laughing. I ran upstairs and I heard Freddie call out "uhh we will be up there soon".

I said, "uh ok". I went upstairs the stairs but I came back down a few steps so I could listen to their conversation. I know it's eavesdropping dropping but I didn't care I needed to know what is going on between them.

Carly POV:

Just I was about to go upstairs Freddie grabbed my arm and yelled to Sam"uhh we will be up there soon".

Sam said, "uhh ok". She was probably wondering what's the hold up for and I was wondering the same thing.

Freddie began and said, "Look Carly about the kiss-".

I cut him off and said, "Freddie look like I said before I kissed you to determine if I still had feelings for you and I still don't know yet if I do, so can we just be friends for now". A disappointed look formed on his face which made me feel even worse.

He said in a disappointed tone "Ok". He tried to play it cool but I know he is heartbroken on the inside.

He walked up the stairs up to the apartment and as he did I thought to myself "Did I make the right decision?"

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