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Warning this chapter contains mild act of captivity if you are uncomfortable with that please let me know

~Freddie POV~

I woke up in a dark room. The last thing I remembered was waiting in the living room for Carly when everything went black. As my eyes started to adjust I realized I was in a some sort of office. It had a desk with papers scattered all over it, a couch in the corner and a t.v. on the wall. I tried to get up only to realize I was tied up in a chair. I tried to break free but the rope only got tighter. I kept trying and trying but it only got worse. I looked down at my arms and they had scratches all over them. Suddenly I heard a voice. It sounded oddly familiar. I saw a figure standing in the shadows across the room. "Who's there show yourself" I said. The person laughed and came into view. "Griffin?".

~Carly POV~

I woke up on I hard cold floor. I realized I was in my bathroom on the floor. I remembered that Freddie was gone and tears started to flow again.

"What if they hurt him. I couldn't live with myself if something happened to him".

I got up from the floor and looked at myself in the mirror. My make was running, eyes puffy and red, I have a dry nose and my hair was a mess. I laughed at how pathetic I looked. I took of my makeup and re-did it, I combed my hair and blew my nose since I was sniffling.

I walked out the bathroom and looked at my phone and realized it was 2:00 p.m. in the afternoon. I was passed out for five hours. I looked at my phone and I had 3 missed calls, and a new voicemail. I looked at the missed calls and the were from a unknown number. I open the voicemail and listened to it.

"Hey Carly it's Cat, I just wanted to let you know that you shouldn't worry about Freddie he's in good hands, don't even bother trying to look were in a secret location you'll never find us, if you try you just be hurting Freddie and yourself".

There was crying in the background it sounded awfully like Freddie's.

"Say hi to Carly Freddie" I felt my heart drop as she said his name.

"Carly?" Suddenly the phone line went dead. I froze not knowing what to do.

My phone fell out my hand as I dropped to the floor crying. My body felt numb I couldn't move. I felt everything around me was caving in. I suddenly realized that I shouldn't sit here and cry I should be looking for him instead. I picked up my phone and called the police. It rang and rang until someone finally picked up.

"911 what's your emergency".

"Hellomyboyfriendhasgonemissingandhehasn'tbeenaround" I said really quickly without breathing.

"Miss calm down can you please repeat what you just said". I sighed and took a deep breath.

"Ok my boyfriend has gone missing".

"How long has he been missing?".

"Five hours"I said holding back the tears.

"I'm sorry miss we cannot help you unless they have been missing for 24 hours". I felt my tears start to flow and flow.

"Please I. I need. To find him. I love. Him" I said while hiccuping.

"Alright miss I will help you it might cost me my job but I can see your really upset" the lady said.

"Thank you so much".

"Ok is there and evidence that he was kidnapped?".

"Yes I received an voicemail and a note from this girl saying that she has him".

"Ok give me the number and I can trace the cellphone to his location". I gave her the number and she said that the police are on there way there. I thanked her and asked her for the address for the place. She said it was  862 Mac Lane. I thanked her and hung up.

I grabbed my phone, jacket and ran out the door. I got in a cab and told the driver the address. We pulled up to an abandoned house. It was old and shabby, the windows were broken, the roof was caving in and boards were falling off the house. I payed the driver and got out the cab. I walked around the back and found an open window. I climbed up on a dumpster and tried to climb through the window, I  barley made it and fell on the floor, I felt a sharp pain in my leg. I looked down to see a large scrape on my leg that was bleeding. I started to cry but I quickly covered my mouth as I heard noises coming from outside the door. I quickly hid underneath the bed. I realized I was in a bedroom. I heard the door open and someone started to speak. "Hello is there someone there?". I immediately knew who it was Griffin. I had to cover my mouth so that I wouldn't scream at him for all he's done to screw up my life.

I heard the door close and a conversation going on outside.

"Griffin what were you doing in that room?".

It was Cat, I felt anger boil up inside of me but I calmed myself down to see if I could find out were Freddie was.

"I thought I heard a noise in there" Griffin said.

"Let me check" Cat said.

Suddenly I heard the door open again. I heard Cat walk over to the bed. I had to cover my mouth so that she couldn't here me breath. She paused for a second. I could hear my heart pounding in my ears.

"See nothing now come on lets go" she said as she walked away from the bed. I heard the door close and them walking away. I got out from under the bed and opened the door a crack to see if the coast was clear. As soon as it was clear I ran out and started searching for Freddie. I tried almost every door most were locked. I opened one and it was a office. I looked around and saw a figure in a chair.

"Hello who's there". I immediately knew who it was. Freddie

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