The Phone Call

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It's 5:00 p.m and Freddie had just got home from his train engineer club and his mom wasn't home.

"Thank god," Freddie thought as he walked through his door and closed it. Freddie threw himself upon the couch, he couldn't help but think about how crazy this past year has been. Both Carly and Sam had left, leaving him by himself. His mind crossed on the kiss he and Carly had shared before she left.

"But what does it mean?" he said to himself.

Suddenly his phone rang and he saw on the caller I.D that it was, in fact, Carly.

He answered it immediately. "Hello?" He said and suddenly he heard the sound of his best friend Carly.

"Hey, Freddie", the sound of her voice sent chills down his spine.

"Hey, how is it going in Italy?" He said trying to start a conversation.

"It's fine, but the people here mostly speak Italian so it's hard to get stuff when I need it and start conversations with people", she said in a slightly upset voice. He felt bad for Carly since she wasn't making any friends.

There was an awkward silence. Freddie broke the silence and said "Well it's weird not having you here" he said in a sad voice.

"Yeah I miss being there with Spencer-" she paused "-and you".

Me? the thought of Carly missing him made blood rush to his cheeks.

Carly said, "I was actually thinking of moving back".

Freddie was stunned the thought of Carly coming back, and it filled him with joy. Freddie didn't know what to say and there was a yet another moment of silence.

"Do you not want me to come back?" Carly asked disappointment evident in her tone.

"No, no, no, of course, I just never imagined you would come back". It was true, Freddie had only dreamed of Carly coming back, but now it could actually become reality.

"I going to talk to my dad about it and let you know when I'm coming back," Carly said. Freddie screamed on the inside but he did not want to let Carly know that.

"Alright talk to you soon," Freddie said.

"Night" Carly smiled to herself.


With that Freddie hung up wondering, what if she came back?. Would he be able to face her after what happened when she left?.

Freddie thought to himself "I can't believe she could be coming back into my life again".

Freddie kept thinking about Carly, but he knew he had to get his mind off of her. So to distract himself and turned on the television and flipped through the channels until it finally landed on his favorite show, Girly Cow. Eventually, 9:00 p.m came around and Freddie's mom walked through the door and said: "Freddie did you take a tick bath yet before sitting on the couch?!". Freddie moaned and got in the bathtub and took his tick bath so his mom would stop bothering him. After his bath he got dressed in his pajamas and went to bed, dreaming of his and Carly's kiss, wishing it would happen again.

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