I love you Freddie

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Sam POV:

"I can't believe him".

"Why would he kiss her?".

I continued to cry but then I thought to myself "Get over yourself , you guys weren't dating so there is no need to cry".

After that I got up out of the closet and went home. I couldn't face him right now. So I just went home. I'll come back tomorrow when Carly gets out. With that I left the hospital.

Freddie POV:

"What have I done?. I probably just ruined my chances with Sam. Did I even really want to be with her?".

This is what I thought as I was walking back to Carly's room.

I walked in to see Carly awake and Spencer by her side. "Hey Freddie" she said. Her words sent a wave of nervousness throughout my body.

"Hey Carls you feeling alright?" I said.

"Yeah I'm fine the doctor's said I have to get a leg cast though" she said with a weak smile.

"You ready to go home tomorrow Carly" Spencer said.

"Yeah I'm ready".

I took a seat on the other side of her then. Then the doctor walked in and said that she needs to rest and take her pain killer. They gave her her pain killer and she went out like a light. After a hour of watching her sleep, Spencer was snoring really loud. I keep thinking about Sam. She must have went home. I feel so bad about what happened. I kept thinking about Sam until I feel asleep.

Next Day:

I woke up at 10 and went to use the bathroom. After I used the bathroom I felt my phone vibrate. I looked at it and saw that Sam had texted me. She said "Hey Freddie can I talk to you outside".

I texted her back "Sure". I walked outside to see Sam standing there. She was wearing a red sweater, black jeggings,brown dressy boots and her hair was in a high pony. She was sitting on a bench staring at her phone. She looked oddly nervous. Was she neverous to speak to me.

"Hey Sam" I said as I sat down across from her.

"Hey Freddie".

She couldn't even look me in the eye.

"You said you wanted to talk?".

"Yeah I'm sorry I ran out yesterday".

"No it's fine".

"I was so upset because I thought that we could be together, I was so upset to see you kissing Carly well because... because I".

She kept stuttering until she finally got it out.

"I love you Freddie". The words stunned me I didn't know what to say. Next thing I knew she kisses me.

"I don't know if I should kiss back, what about Carly you love her, I'm starting to think I love Sam too"

Oh no what do I do?

Will Freddie kiss Sam back? Is Freddie developing feelings for Sam? Will Carly find out about their kisses? Will she ever get out of the hospital? Find out next time on Icarly love story Missing You (creddie)

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