Childhood Friends

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Freddie POV:

Ugh I'm such an idiot. Both Carly and Sam haven't talked to me since yesterday. I need to fix this some how. I need my best friends back. I wake up from having no dreams. It's weird because I always seem to dream about Carly, Sam or all of us together. I take a shower and get dressed. I head over to Carly's place so that we could talk. I knock on her door, no response, I knock again, no response. That is odd. I try the doorknob and it was open.

I went upstairs and knocked on Carly's door. I heard talking from outside the door. I put my ear to the door to hear talking. " Griffin just leave me alone it's over, I don't want to be with you, Because I'm in love with someone else". 

"Who could Carly be in love with?".

"What if it's me".

"Maybe that's why she can't be with me because of Sam". All of a sudden I sneeze. Then it went silent. I heard foot steeps head towards the door. I quickly headed for downstairs.

I stayed on the stairs and heard Carly say "Hello?, Someone there?". I didn't respond and soon enough I left. I can't stay here any longer I need to get to school.

Carly POV:

I was on the phone arguining with Griffin. He was begging for me to take him back. I didn't want him back I love Freddie. I just wish I had the guts to be with him. He kept begging but I told him I'm in love with someone else. It's the truth I am in love with Freddie. I heard a sound outside my door. It sounded like a sneeze. Sort of cat like. I went over to the door and opened it. "Hello?, Someone there?". No response. I shrugged it of and got ready for school. I took a shower and put on a black dress that's knee length, long black boots. I put my hair up in a high pony. I put on eyeliner, mascara and red lipstick. I put on some nerdy glasses. I checked myself out it the mirror.

"Yep it's nerdy chic". I giggled and grabbed my book bag. I grabbed my jacket and left for school.

Normally I would have went to school with Sam and Freddie, but I haven't talked to them since what happened last night. When I got to school, I saw Sam at her locker. We made eye contact but then she rolled her eyes and walked away.

"Maybe I deserve that".

I tried to catch up with her but she walks fast. I sighed and went to my locker.

Sam POV:

Cat is coming today. I already have enough on my plate. I don't need anything more to deal with. I walked away from Carly. It hurts so much for us to be like this. I'm still mad at her she knows how I feel about Freddie and she just kissed him anyways. But I don't even think I want ot be with him. I rather be friends with them the having one or the other. Maybe I should just be the bigger person and forgive her. I'm gonna go over to her house today and try to apologize.

~After School~

Still Sam POV:

I went over to Carly's house. I knocked on her door. After a few seconds she answered. Only she looked different from when she did this morning. Her eyes were red and her face was all puffy. It looked like she had been crying. "Oh hey Sam" she said her voice a little shaky.

"Hey Carly can I come in?" I said with a weak smile on my face.

"Sure" she said as she returned the smile, and closed the door behind me. We sat down on the couch and there was a moment of silence until we both broke it by saying simultaneously " I'm so sorry, you are my best friend please forgive me". We laughed and hugged each other which soon turned into crying.

"Wait why are you sorry Sam?".

"Because I never gave you a chance to explain and I ignored you I'm sorry" I said between sobbs.

"It's ok I forgive you". She was getting my shirt wet and so was I hers, but I didn't care all that matters is that we are friends again. Soon enough we started to have a conversation about Freddie.

"Carls can I ask you something?".


"Do you love Freddie?". I said with anxiety to know if she does. Her face expression dropped and she sighed.

"Yeah I do I'm sorry I didn't tell you".

"It's ok".

"Do you want to be with him cause if you do you could have him". I said unsure if what I said was true.

"I do but it's just I'd feel like I would be a bad friend if I went out with him, it's against girl code any ways".

"Who cares about the girl code if you want to be with him you should".

"You think?" she said with a smile forming across her face.

"Yeah". She hugged me and I hugged back. All of a sudden my phone started to ring. I saw it was Cat. I let go and answered it.

"Hey Cat... What your here?... When did you arrive?... Oh ok see you soon... bye".

"What happened?".

"Cat is here you want to meet her?".

"Ok". We got up and headed out the door.

Freddie POV:

I was on the couch watching re-runs of Drake and Josh, when I heard a knock on my door. I got up and answered it to see Sam standing there with Carly behind her. My heart sunk when I looked into Carly's eyes. They were all red and puffy. She must have crying. Sam told me that they were friends again and that it doesn't need to be awkward. I felt like a huge amount of weight was lifted off my shoulders. I was so happy. But I wasn't completely happy. The only way I could be truly happy is if Carly was mine. Sam told me that Cat was downstairs and I could come meet her if I want to. I agreed and we went downstairs.

As we made our way downstairs I kept thinking " I swear I have heard that name before, I just can't remember where I heard it".

We got downstairs and went out the door. We waited outside and a taxi pulled up. When the girl got out I recognized her immediately. It was Cat Valentine. I recognize that red hair anywhere. She was   my best friend and my first girlfriend in third grade. As soon as she saw me she ran up to me and hugged me. I felt sparks as we touched but it's not the same as when me and Carly touch.

Carly POV:

A pang of jealously hit me when Cat ran up and hugged Freddie.

"Why is she hugging his does she know him or something?. Have they met before?."

I looked at Sam and she gave me a don't-look-at-me look and put up her hands. They let go and Cat hugged me and Sam together. She let us go and shook my hand.

"Nice to meet you" ugh her voice is so annoying. That's gonna get on my nerves pretty soon.

I gave her a fake smile. "Cat this is -". I said motioning to Freddie but she cut me off by saying "Oh we know each other we used to date". These words shattered my heart and made me fill up with rage.


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