Finally Together?

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Carly POV:

"G-o a-away" I said in between sobs.

"Carly let me in we need to talk".

"Wouldn't you rather be kissing your little girlfriend Cat?".

"Carls just let me in I'm not leaving until you do". I knew he wouldn't leave. He's always been there when I gotten my heartbroken by stupid boys and know he was one of them. Freddie would do anything for me. Another reason why I'm in love with him.

"Fine". I opened the door to see Freddie standing there. His eyes were glossy like he was going to cry.

I let him in and threw myself on the bed putting my head in my pillow. "Carls can you look at me?" Freddie said as he sat beside me on the bed. I didn't respond and kept sobbing in the pillow.

"Carly why are you crying?" He said resting him hand on my back which sent sparks through my body.

"No reason my stomach just hurts" I lied sitting up not looking him in the eyes.

"Carls don't lie to me tell me what's going on?". I sighed and took a deep breath and suddenly everything came out like a flowing river.

"I'm crying because I didn't want you to kiss her, I only want you to kiss me because I love you Freddie as more then a fr-" before I could finish I felt his warm lips against mine. I felt those same sparks again I always get when we touch. It was short but sweet. He let go and I saw his cheeks turn pink.

"I love you too Carly and I always will". I could feel the heat in my cheeks rising, and I kissed him again.

When we let go he caught me off guard, and asked me "Will you be my girlfriend Carly?". I could see a smile forming on his face.

"Of course I will". I kissed him one more time and we headed downstairs hand in hand. Getting weird looks from the other three but I didn't care. All I cared about was that Freddie was finally mine.

Freddie POV:

I don't believe it she loves me. After all this time she loves me. I'm still shocked she said yes. My wish finally came true. I feel complete I feel on top of the world. We came downstairs and the looked at us and then our hands with a confused look on their faces.

"Hey guys um games over we have school tomorrow anyways and it's getting late" I said.

"Dude it's only ten" Gibby said.

"Yeah but I got to get home before my mom gets home from her late night classes" I said.

"Ok well goodnight guys"Gibby said leaving the apartment.

"Well I got to go home later guys" I said giving Carly a kiss on the cheek and leaving.

"She's finally mine".

I thought as I walked through my door. I ate some dinner my mom left me took a shower got dressed in my pj's and went to sleep. Thinking of the girl I could finally call mine Carly Shay.

Cat POV:

Why is Freddie acting like that around Carly?. We didn't even finish our kiss. He ran up after Carly. Why is she so upset anyways it was only a kiss. Then it hit me they have feelings for each other. But Freddie was mine first. That means I have dibs on him. I'm gonna get him back if it's the last thing I do. I love him we were meant to be. After Freddie left we all decided it was time to go to bed. We decided to have a sleepover in Carly's room.

Carly was in the bathroom and Sam went out like a light and was already snoring. I decided to get some pay back. Carly left her phone on her bed. I took it and sent a text to Freddie. "It's over". I heard her coming back, I quickly sent the message and pretend I was asleep.

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