Wishing it was all a dream part 1

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Carly POV:

I open my eyes to see a note next to me  to me. It said

"Hey Carls sorry about what happened with Griffin, I slept in here with you last night to keep you company, I left this morning to let you get some rest, hope you feel better, text me when you wake up.

 Love Freddie.

"Why does the note say Love, Stop it brain he just means it sisterly I guess Why was he even here anywaysOh my god what happened last night?''. 

Suddenly all the memories from last night came rushing back to my head. Griffin taking that girl's number, me dumping a smoothie on his head, and me running away back home crying. That's why my head hurts so much. Ugh I wish it was all a dream.

"I guess Freddie came to comfort me and we fell asleep". 

I finally got out of bed  took a shower.

10 minutes later:

When I got out the shower my phone rang. "Hello?".

" Hey Carls you feeling alright?". On the other line was my best friend Sam.

"Oh yeah I'm fine my head just hurts".

"I would figure Freddie told me you cried your eyes out sorry I couldn't come over me and my mom had family therapy and you could guess how that went". She laughed and I laughed to trying not to hurt my head to much.

"Did Freddie tell Sam he stayed over?. No he didn't then she probably would have been mad . I wonder if they are together now".

"Ugh why can't he be with me".

"Carls you there?". The sound of her voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Oh yeah I'm just getting dressed", I lied to her only to realize I'm still in my towel.

" Oh ok well me and Freddie are going out do you want to join us?".

   " Of course not".

"Sure". Me and my big mouth.

" OK we'll be there in ten".

I quickly got dressed. I threw on a my white undershirt, black jumper, and black open toe heels, I blow dried my hair and flat ironed it and did my make up. After I finished getting ready I went downstairs and grabbed and apple and waited.

Freddie POV:

Why would Sam invite Carly. I can't handle being around them at the same time. I can't show my feelings for Carly around Sam, and don't want to show my feelings for Sam in front of Carly but she does it anyways. Ugh it's killing me inside I need to fix this. I just don't want to hurt anybody feeling but the longer I avoid the subject the more I'm hurting them. I was with Sam at her apartment. Her mom wasn't home no surprise there ( notice the sarcasm).

Sam was in the shower getting ready to go out with me and Carly. I was already ready seeing how Sam called me over an hour ago. It's one o'clock and we planning to go see a movie together, but she invited Carly along and now I am waiting for her to get dressed in her living room. After Sam was ready we called a cab because it's going to be the three of us we all can't fit on her motorcycle seeing as how it has only two seats. We all should really get our drivers license.

At the apartment building:

Sam called Carly and we waited outside for her. Two minutes later she came down looking as beautiful as ever. She was wearing a black jumper, white undershirt, and black heels. She had on makeup but not too much. Her dark brown hair nice and flat on her shoulders. If looks could kill i would have died and gone to heaven. "Hey guys". Her voice is a little shaky from last night.

"Hey Carls" me and Sam said as she entered the cab. I sat in the middle while Sam was on my left and Carly was on my right. There was no conversation throughout the whole ride to  the movie theater. We were all going to go see Dumb and Dumber Two. When we got out the cab we walked to the ticket both and got the tickets. I had to pay of course. We ordered two buckets of popcorn, and some chocolate. We sat down in the third row and reclined the chairs we were sitting in (A/N; AMC actually has those kind of chairs so go and check it out now they are AWESOME).

Half way through Sam took my hand in hers. I didn't let go because I kind of liked it. I hope Carly didn't notice though. All of a sudden Carly said she had to use the bathroom got up and left without saying another word to use.

"Wonder what's up with her must be her stomach from to much popcorn". 

I went back to watching the movie worrying if she is ok.

Carly POV:

I couldn't stand to watch this anymore. I can't handle being around them anymore. I faked going to the bathroom because I couldn't be around them so I decided to go get a soda. As I made my way to the counter I stopped in my tracks to see the person who has caused me cry last night .The one and only Griffin jerk-face with another scamp around his arm.

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