Wishing it was all a dream Part.2

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Carly POV:

Now I know Griffin is douche bag. Do I mean nothing to him?. Apparently if he just goes out with another girl right after what happened yesterday. Who does that. I walked straight up to him. "Hey Griffin" I said with a fake smile on my face.

"Oh hey Carly". He looked nervous it was kind of cute.

Snap out of it Carly he's a jerk you have to remember that.

"I see you have moved on". I gave her a dath glare and to my surprised she did also.

"Well I wouldn't say move on because we never got back together". I can't believe him. Is he serious right now. He even smirked at me. Ugh I want to slap that smile off his face. So much rage filled up inside me that I slapped him. Once I did that all eyes were on me. Even the little scamp next to him. 

Next thing I knew the little scamp attacked me, and started pulling my hair. I can't believe I'm about to do this but I punched her in her face. I looked up to see Griffin and everyone else watching or recording this. Next thing I knew everything went black.

Freddie POV:

Carly was gone for a long time. I was starting to get worried so I told Sam we should go look for her. She said ok and we left the theater not even getting to see the end of the movie, guess I'll watch on demand another time. When me and Sam walked down the corridor we saw Carly passed out on the floor .She look like a stampede just ran over her, her hair was a mess, he clothes were destroyed, and her face was bleeding "Oh my God Carly". Me and Sam ran over to her. I checked her pulse and her heart was still beating, which means she is just unconscious.

"I'm gonna call 911". I said getting my phone out. Sam nodded trying to hold back her tears. I hated to see either of them cry especially Carly.

5 minutes later

The ambulance finally arrived and placed Carly on the gurney . They hoisted her in the Ambulance outside and told us that we could both ride in the ambulance with her. We got into the ambulance and we were on our way.

Sam POV:

I can't believe this is the second time we are heading to the hospital in a ambulance for Carly. I really want to know what happened cause when we found her her clothes were ripped, Her hair was messy and she had scratches all over her face. Maybe she got into a fight. But Carly would never do that she is the sweetest person I know. She wouldn't voluntarily attack someone would she?. Then again Carly was gone for over a year maybe Italy changed her.

Freddie POV:

We finally got to the hospital and the doctor's placed her in a room. They told us that she is unconscious but she maybe up by tomorrow. I wasn't happy that she is not with us, but I was happy knowing that she will be okay. I called Spencer and told him what happened he said he will be right there. I comforted Sam as she held back the tears and rested her head on my shoulder. 

Next Day:

I woke up the next day from a nightmare about Carly. I dreamt about her running and me chasing her only to find her passed out on the floor not breathing. It felt so real cause I woke up crying and druel all over my bed. I got dressed and called Sam and Spencer so that we could go to the hospital.

At the Hospital:

When we got there the doctors told us that Carly was awake so we all walked in. When I saw her face I ran over and hugged her only to find that she pushed me off. "Whoa who are you?".

" What are you talking about it's me Freddie".

"Uh sorry I don't remember you". These words shattered my heart into pieces.

Carly POV:

I woke up in a hospital. "Whoa what happened? Why am I in a hospital and why does my head hurt so much". I rubbed my head to find a bandage on it. "Ugh why am I here". I could barley remember anything I tried to remember the basics. " My name is Carly Shay, I'm seventeen years old, I live with my brother Spencer at....".I couldn't remember the name of the apartment building. Suddenly a boy ran in around my age and hugged me. I quickly pushed him off.

"Whoa who are you?. "What are you talking about it's me Freddie?". The name sounded familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it.

"Uh sorry I don't remember you". It was the truth I couldn't remember who he was maybe we know each other. We look awfully alike we could be siblings. No we can't be Spencer is my only brother.

Freddie POV:

I cant believe she doesn't remember me. She has to. She has to I need her in my life. She is the reason I wake up every morning. The reason I appreciate everyday. She is my everything. This may sound cheesy but she is my sunshine. The doctors walked in after Sam and Spencer tried to tell Carly who she was. The doctor said "When she fell on the floor it mus have been concrete because she has extreme damage to the brain and lost part of her memory". This is the moment I lost it and ran crying my eyes out.

"I'm going to lose her three times over, I never even got a chance to redeem us". I sat down at a bench in a park a cross the street crying my eyes out and not caring about who saw.


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