When it Rains It Pours

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Carly POV:

I can't believe he dated her. What did he ever see in her. What does she have that I don't. I mean I guess she is pretty, and nice but I'm have those things too. At least I think I do. "Hey guys let's go upstairs it's getting cold and I think it's gonna rain" Freddie said. God he's right it was pitch black out here and it's on 5:00pm. Me and Sam agreed and we started to grab Cat's luggage. Suddenly it started to pour. Within a few seconds we were all soaking wet.

Freddie took off his jacket and put it above his and Cat's head. He was protecting her from the rain. He never protected me from the rain. Ugh he gets me so mad. We grabbed her luggage and went inside dripping water all over the apartment building lobby floor.

"Hey I just mopped these floors" Lubert said. He our annoying doorman who for some reason has a really big wart on the side of his face.

"Shut up Lubert" Sam said.

"Meeehhhh" he said and Sam returned it and rolled her eyes as Lubert angrily walked into his office mumbling something under his breath.

"Um why do we have Cat's luggage shouldn't we take it to your place Sam? I said.

"Um about that"Sam said with a guilty look on her face.

"Sam don't tell me she's staying here".

"Fine then I won't tell you".

"Sam" I said raising my voice a little bit.

"Come on Carls my mom is never home and I don't have time to babysit her".

"Hey what's wrong with me?" Cat said with that annoying voice of her's.

"Nothing" we said at the same time.

"Fine" I said giving up cause I knew I wouldn't win.

"Thanks Carls now let's get upstairs" she said as she ran upstairs almost slipping from the water. Cat ran up after her leaving me and Freddie alone.

Freddie POV:

I can't believe it's her. Why does she have to be here. I already have enough on my plate, with the Carly, Sam situation. I don't need a love rectangle going on. Why does life have to be like this. We stood there in silence. Carly was about to leave but I grabbed her hand. I looked down at our hands and let go. "Sorry" I said looking into her eyes. She had a blank expression on her face like she was looking at a wall.

"Look Freddie I-" before she could finish Sam called us up "Are you guys coming or what?".

"Yeah we are" She said. I looked at her again. Her hair and clothes were wet, dripping on the floor. She was soaking wet but to me she looked as beautiful as ever.

"I'll tell you later".

"Ok". I said then she ran upstairs.

I sighed and for once used the elevator due to the fact I have two heavy bags in my hands. What does she have in here bricks.

I stood in the elevator thinking of Carly.

"I really messed it up with Carly I just wish I had told her how I felt before Sam thought we were together".

I finally reached the floor and the elevator opened with a ding. I walked out the elevator with the two bags in my hands. "Oh uh you can put them upstairs in the guest room" Carly said gesturing me upstairs.

"Ok". I walked upstairs with the bag to the hallway.

"It's down the hall to the left when your done come downstairs cause were gonna watch a movie and order some pizza" she said smiling weakly at me.

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