So Easy to Not Say Goodbye

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Carly POV:

She finally opened the door. She didn't even look angry but I could tell I was ignoring her. "What do you want?". UGH her voice is like music to my ears (note the sarcasm).

"What I want to know is why you kissed Freddie, MY boyfriend?" I said crossing my arms.

"He wasn't your boyfriend at the time" she said with a smirk forming on her face.

"Ok maybe we weren't together at the time, but that doesn't give you the right to kiss him on my couch in my apartment" I spat.

"Well Freddie is mine so back off". Is she dead serious right now?.

"You can't claim a person like he's some prize" I said getting more irritated with her by the second.

" Whatever just stay away from me and Freddie".

I laughed, Who does she think she is?.

"You can't tell me what to do I'm my own person" I said getting aggravated.

"Shut up you- you uh" she said probably trying to think of a combat.

I laughed at her. "That's what I thought". I turned to walk away when she attacked me, knocking me to the ground. She started to slap me. It only hurt a little bit. I flipped over so I was on top. For a few minutes we were fighting while rolling around on the ground. Suddenly I felt someone pull us apart. They were grabbing my arms holding me back.

I didn't look back to see who it was. I was trying to break from their grip to finish her off. "Let me go!"I said struggling to get free.

"Carls relax". I immediately knew who it was, Freddie. I looked up into his dark brown eyes. They were filled with concern.

"I'm sorry you had to see that" I said apologizing. We made our way to my room.

"Yeah what was that about"he as he sat next to me on my bed.

"It was about you" I said not looking into his eyes.


"I was confronting her about kissing you then she started to act crazy , saying that you are her's and that I need to back off, but I told her that she can't claim you and she attacked me" I said closing my eyes. I looked at Freddie and he was speechless. I didn't know whether that was good or not. His face was expressionless like he was soaking in what I just said.

Suddenly he started to laugh. I looked at him like he was crazy.

"Why is he laughing its not funny".

I couldn't help myself and I started to laugh too. I hit him on the arm.

"It's not funny I almost died because of you".

"Ow" he siad rubbing his arm.

"I guess you love me that much" he said wiggling his eyebrows causing me to laugh even more, to a point where I snorted, causing me to laugh even harder. Freddie laughed just as hard. We probably look like were insane. Suddenly my smile dropped.

"Carls what's wrong?".

"It's just I don't want any girl thinking they can just swipe you away from me cause I-I" tears threatened to fall but I didn't let them.

"Hey Carls I'm right here you don't have to worry cause your the one that I love, you'll never lose me" he said hugging me.

"I love you too Freddie" I said crying into his shirt.

"Do you think we can start over?". He said still hugging me as I balled my eyes out.

"Yeah" I said. We let go and Freddie wiped the tears away, causing me to smile. I felt the heat rush to my cheeks.

"Nice to meet you I'm Freddie Benson" he said holding out a hand at me. I giggled and shook my head.

"Nice to meet you too Freddie Benson, I'm Carly Shay"I said smiling. As I grabbed his hand he pulled me into him and kissed me. I felt sparks erupt in my body. We let go and had our foreheads rest against each other noses touching. I looked into his eyes and smiled.

"I love you" he said his cheeks turning red.

"I love you too Freddie-Bear" I said giving him a peck.

He chuckled and said "So is that my new nickname".

"Yep" I said with a giant grin on my face. I wish we could stay like this forever but we have to still deal with Cat.

I felt my smile drop at the thought of her. I sighed. "Freddie we still have to deal with Cat". I saw his smile drop too.

"Yeah come on lets go". As we got up from the bed I looked at myself in the mirror. I almost screamed at the person I saw. My hair was messy, my clothes were ripped, I had scratches on all over my face. I looked like a hot mess.

"Oh my god" I said freezing in front of the mirror.

"What's wrong?" Freddie said as he walked back through the doorway.

"I look horrible" I said staring at him in shock.

"Yeah ummm you do kind of ".

"FREDDIE"  I yelled at him.

"What you said it first ,I just didn't want to upset you by telling you how you look" he said scratching the back of his neck.

"Whatever just get out so I can change" I said pushing him out the door.

"Ok Ok I'm going" he said as I closed the door.

I took a quick shower. All the cuts I had burned so I didn't stay for to long. After I got out I got dressed in my white blouse, light blue skinny jeans, and blue flats. I put some bandages and antibiotics on my scrapes so that they could heal. I went downstairs and didn't see Freddie. I called out to him and he didn't respond. I ran upstairs getting worried and called out to him he didn't respond. I knocked on Cat's door and she didn't respond. I tried the doorknob and it was open. I walked in to see the room completely empty all but a note on the bed. I picked it up and read it

Dear Carly,

I have left your stupid apartment and  took someone very special with me, Freddie. I told you that he was mine. Don't even bother trying to find him cause you won't. You remember Griffin well he's helping me. Good luck trying to get your Freddie-Bear back you'll need it.

-Cat xx

My heart dropped and I felt sick in my stomach. I ran to the bathroom and I was reunited with my taco I had last night. I cleaned myself up and reality hit me.

He's gone and I don't even know where he is or how to find him.

I started to cry and cry. Tears flowing down like  a river, my nose running, I was even hiccuping. This is me crying on the cold bathroom floor. "I will find you Freddie if it's the last thing I do".

Find out what happens next time on Icarly Missing You (Creddie)

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