Broken Dreams

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Freddie POV:

It has been almost 2 weeks since the day Sam kissed me in front of the hospital. Carly got out 2 weeks ago. I haven't told Carly about the kiss between me and Sam. I want to tell her but what if she gets upset that I didn't tell her I'm just gonna keep it a secret for now.

*At Carly's apartment*

Me, Sam and Carly were watching a movie , called You Again. It's really funny. All of sudden Sam put her hand on mine. I had butterflies in my stomach. I smiled at her and she smiled back. I haven't given Sam and answer yet if I love her. I think I do but I just love Carly more.

Carly POV:

I was watching You Again with Sam and Freddie holding hands.

"Are they together again, great now I can't even tell Freddie how I feel about him I do love him" .

I wanted to cry but I didn't. I felt so uncomfortable but it would be hard to get up cause I still have on my cast. The doctor said I need to wear it for another week.

After the movie:

After the movie I asked Sam if she wanted to sleepover she said yeah. I was gonna ask Spencer if she could but I knew he would say yes.

Freddie said that he needs to get home to before his mom does so she wouldn't yell at him to take a tick bath. He was about to leave but Sam went up to him and kissed him on the cheek. I felt my heart break, as she kissed him. Freddie had a shocked look on his face he looked at me. Then he looked away and quickly left without saying a word to either of us.

Seeing that made my heart sink but I didn't say anything about it to Sam I didn't need me and her getting into a argument.

Freddie POV:

I can't believe that Sam just did that in front of Carly. I saw the hurt in her eyes as Sam kissed my cheek. Like I just stabbed her in the heart. Why would Sam do that it's not like me and her are dating. Are we? no ,no were not. I never agreed to that. It's not like being with Sam is that bad but I love Carly and she is the one that I want to be with. I don't feel the same sparks I feel with Carly then I do same.

Ugh I can't think about this anymore. I just went straight to bed not even taking a stupid tick bath or eating dinner. I didn't even care what time it was.

Carly POV:

After Freddie left me and Sam ordered Chinese food and ordered a movie. We set up camp in my room. Sam placed a sleeping bag on the floor and we started talking away on my bed. Then without thinking I brought up the situation with Freddie. "So are you and Freddie a thing again?".

"I don't know I guess we just haven't talled about it yet".

"Oh ok cool". There was an awkward moment of silence.

But then I said "Do you want to be with Freddie?". I know I'm being nosy but I need to know

"Yeah I do I-I love him".

My heart shattered into millions of pieces. Sam loves Freddie. No she can't love him I love him. All I said was "Oh cool". I put a fake smile on my face but I'm breaking down on the inside.

After the food arrived:

Me and Sam devoured the food and watched "The fault in our stars". I cried three times throughout the movie.

"That's not fair they belong together Augustus can't die".(A/N: for those of you who haven't seen or read the book I apologize for be a spoiler).

"I know right" Sam said while crying. I've never actually seen Sam cry before it was weird. Once the movie ended it was 11:00pm so me and Sam went to bed. I couldn't sleep because I kept thinking what if Sam and Freddie start going out and being all lovey-dovey around me. It would kill me inside.

A tear feel down my cheek at the thought of losing Freddie crossed my mind. "I can't lose him I just can't."


Will Freddie and Sam get together? Will Carly find out the truth? Will Freddie ever confess his feelings for Carly or will Carly beat him to it? Find out next time on a Icarly love Story Missing You (creddie)

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