I Remember You

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Freddie POV:

It has been almost week since Carly lost her memory. She has been starting  to get it back one step at a time. I just wished she would remember me. I mean it has been hell for her not knowing who I am. It kills me that she doesn't recognize me. That she doesn't remember our kiss. Sam came over and we sat together and re-watched Dumb and Dumber To.

2:00pm Sunday, September 23

Carly POV:

I feel so weird not knowing who these people really are. I swear I know who that boy is I just can't remember. I think we were close because I checked my phone and see him in my contacts as the Freddie-Bear. That's kind of cute. Wow I didn't know I was clever. I walked downstairs from my room to get some lunch. I heated up some leftover pizza. I sat on the couch and checked my phone to see that this boy named Griffin texted me.

Griffin: Carly will you please talk to me.

Who is Griffin and why does he want to talk?. Whatever I'll just ignored it. I put my phone in my pocket and took my pizza out from the microwave and went upstairs and ate.

After I ate I fell asleep. I had this weird dream about the boy, Freddie. I kept twisting and turning in my bed as I dreamt this weird dream.


"Freddie ,Freddie where are you?".
I kept walking around this white walled room. All of a sudden it turned into a field of flowers. I saw something in the distance. It was a girl she was around my age. She turned around and I saw it was me. The girl was me chasing Freddie. I followed them and I stopped in my tracks to see the girl crying in the corner while Freddie and a girl were making out. The girl turned out to be Sam.

"Stop it don't you see your hurting her" I cried.

Freddie said "Like I care, it's been Sam all along, I don't got time for your stupid games Shay". He winked at me and went back to kissing Sam. I went over to the girl and patted her back. Only my hand went through. I stared at my hand as I backed away running and screaming.

~ End of Dream~

I woke up scearming. Tears running down my eyes. Spencer came bursting through the door almost giving me a heart attack. "What happened are you ok?" He said while holding a bat in his hand.

"Yeah I'm fine just a bad dream".

"Oh ok". He rubbed my head as he walked out the door.

I laid back my bed and closed my eyes. Suddenly everything came rushing back to my head. Everything all my birthdays, Icarly, Sam, everything, even Freddie. I sprung up from my bed and ran downstairs. Busting open my front door and knocking on Freddie's. As he opened the door he said "H-" . I cut him off as I hugged him.

  I caught him by surprise but he hugged me back. When we let go we looked into each others eyes. His eyes beautiful chocolate brown eyes were sparkling. "I remember Freddie". Then I kissed him. I felt sparks. And I hope he did too.

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