The surprise visit

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Freddie's POV:

My alarm clock went off waking me out of my wonderful dream. My dream was about Carly of course. I threw my cover off me, got up and took a shower. Twenty minutes later I got out the shower got dressed and got ready for school, only until I  realized it was Saturday. I threw myself back on the bed and went to sleep. Ten minutes later my phone started ringing so loud I almost screamed at how it startled me out of my sleep. After calming down I  answered it without even bothering to look who it was.

"Hello," I  said in a tired voice.

"Hey, was up Fredward?". To my delight, it was my best friend Sam at the other end calling me my annoying nickname she gave me.

"Oh hey, Sam how is L.A?" I  said.

"I wouldn't know cause I left yesterday". This shocked me.

"What why?".

"Cause I got tired of being away from Seattle and ... well, you." This made me blush really hard.

"Really I thought we were just friends".

Sam revolted immediately and said, "We are Fredbag and that is what we will always be". I felt depressed once those words came out the blonde's mouth, even though I liked Carly a part of me still had feelings for Sam also.

There was an awkward moment of silence.

Then I  broke the silence and said: "So why did you call me then?".

"Look outside your window and you'll see". With that, I did as instructed and look out my window to see Sam looking up at me waving her hands. I live on the eighth floor but still, could hear what she said as she screamed: "Hey there Fredbag surprise surprise". I smiled at her and ignored the rude name she had called me.

I yelled out "Why are you here?".

"To buy a crocodile, what do you think I'm doing here," she said with sarcasm.

"Come downstairs now Fredbag it's starting to get cold". With that, I fixed my hair, grabbed my phone and jacket and dashed down the stairs.

Thinking to myself "Why didn't I just take the elevator", panting after I just ran down eight flights of stairs.

I gathered myself together and opened the front door of the building and walked to the parking lot where Sam was. It was only 9:00 am but the sky looked dark and looked like it was going to rain. I walked into the parking lot to see sam standing there leaning against her motorcycle hair blowing in the wind, she was dressed in a leather jacket, a blue and purple shirt that said "I eat all day every day," dark blue jeans and black combat boots.

I think I might have been staring caused she asked: "You alright Benson cause you're staring at me". She had a confused look on her face.

I snapped out of it and said: "Oh uh y-yeah I'm fine, sorry".

"Anyways let's go somewhere where we can catch up," Sam said.

"O-Okay", I said awkwardly. At that point, I realized that I have to sit in the back of Sam motorcycle. The thought of it made me blush.

"Stop it, Benson, you love Carly, not Sam, get over yourself she dumped you". 

I snapped myself out of it and got on the back of Sam's motorcycle and started to debate if I should hold on or not.

"If I don't hold on I could die but if I do I would be touching Sam's stomach" Get over yourself".

With that, I grabbed onto Sam's stomach as she started the motorcycle. "Vrumm Vrumm" is the sound the motorcycle makes as we start to drive on the highway. As we drove I grabbed on tighter to her stomach.

As I did Sam said, "Don't get any ideas Benson or I'll-"

Before she could finish I said, "Don't worry about it  I'm just holding on for my life". Sam kept quiet and I could feel a smirk for on her face as we drove on the highway. Wind blowing through her hair.

Suddenly I got this weird feeling in my stomach.

Thinking to myself I said, "No you are not falling for her again".

(I know I wrote this story a long time ago Lmao,  but that's me in the picture,  thought I'd finally show my face on here)

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