This Is Not The Right Time Sam

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Freddie POV:

After the doctor told us that Carly is going to need surgery I wanted to burst out in tears but I didn't want to look weak in front of Sam. The doctor told us that we should go home because visiting hours are closed. I was sad that I couldn't get to seee Carly until tomorrow so I just left with Sam and Spencer.

Once we got to the apartment building Sam asked if she could she come into my apartment. I said "Ok" and let us in. I sat down on the couch and Sam sat next to me.

She had a stressed out look on her face. I said to her "It's  going to be ok, Carly will be fine".

She said "I know I just worried, what if the operation goes wrong". She started to cry. I grabbed her hugged her. She was reluctant at first but she eventually gave in to the hug and started crying on my shoulder. I started to stroke her hair. When she let go we looked into each others eyes. I saw another side of Sam that I didn't know existed. Sam kissed me. I was shocked but it was a good kiss. I let go after 5 seconds and I moved over to the next seat.

"I'm sorry" she said .

"No it's fine it was nice".

"Freddie I still have feelings for you". I was shocked. After we broke up she acted like she hated me. I didn't know what to say cause I still have feelings for Carly.

"Sam I can't talk about this right now, it's not the right time". Suddenly she got up, wiped her tears walked out the door and slammed it, and I felt even worse. I love Carly but I like Sam.

"Ugh what am I gonna do".

Sam POV:

"Ugh I can't believe that Fredbag. I confess my feelings for him and he rejects me right on the spot. Maybe he does have a point with Carly in the hospital maybe this isn't the right time". I thought as I made my way out on the building to get my motorcycle.

As I drove it started to rain. "Stupid Seattle". I said as I drove. By the time I got home I noticed my mom wasn't home.

" Like usual she is probably with another lowlife loser". I thought as I made my room.

I changed and flew myself on to my bed and took a nap trying to get my mind off of Fredward.

2 hours later:

Sam POV:

I woke up starving. I looked at the time and it was 1:00pm. I got up and and went to the fridge. I grabbed some leftover Chinese food. I put it in the microwave, and checked my phone. I saw that Freddie left me a message.

Freddie: Sam are you ok? You ran out of my apartment like it was on fire.

Me: Yeah I am fine what's it to you Fredward. I thought you didn't have feelings for me.

Freddie: I never said that just with Carly being in the hospital. I don't think is the right time to talk about this.

Me: Maybe your right.

Freddie' Did the famous Sam just admit to being wrong I am shocked  .

Me : Whatever Fredward I'll talk to you tomorrow later.

Freddie: Bye.

Freddie POV:

After I texted Sam I felt even worse because I know she thinks I don't like her. I do but I love Carly. I don't know what to do. They have different personalities. But they are both great in their own ways. I couldn't think about this anymore. So to get my mind off it I just decided to watch a movie. I checked on Demand. They have The DUFF and The spongebob movie. I chose the Spongebob movie and made some popcorn and put on my 3D glasses.


3 hours later, After the movie:

Freddie POV:

That movie was hilarious. I checked the time and it was 4:00pm. "Wow this day is going slow". I thought to myself. I decided to call Gibby over and see if he wanted to play zombie slayer 4.

Gibby: Hello?

Freddie: Hey gibby it's Freddie.

Gibby: Hey Freddie was up?

Freddie: I was wondering if you wanted to come over to play zombie slayer 4?.

Gibby: I can't my mom has me babysitting guppy. Sorry man.

Freddie: It's fine man I'll see you later.

Gibby: later man

Freddie: bye.

"Well there goes that plan". I said to myself. So I just played by myself.

I must have played for long because it was dark outside.

My mom called the house phone and said she will be home in an hour.

I said ok and took my tick bath so that she wouldn't bother me about it.


After the bath I just went to bed. I know its only like 9 but I was tired it has been a long day.

Something weird happened instead of dreaming about Carly I dreamt of me and Sam kissing. Which turned into a nightmare when Carly saw us and runaway and jumped off a cliff. I woke screaming "Carly Nooo".

I woke up sweating and I was surprised I didn't wake my mom. I just went to the bathroom washed my face and went to sleep.

Wondering "what the hell does that mean?". I thought to myself as I went back to sleep.

What does his dream mean?
Does he really love Sam after all this time or is it Carly?. Find out next time on Icarly love Story Missing You (creddie)

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