The Truth Is Revealed

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Sam POV:

Once I heard Freddie coming upstairs I ran as fast as I could. I didn't make it in time and Freddie saw me. Freddie said, "Sam is that you?".

I tried to play it off and say in a weird girl voice "No I'm not Sam I'm uhh umm Pam Quckett."

But it didn't work and Freddie knew it was me.

"Sam I know it's you I'm not stupid."

I thought to myself "That's one thing I like about him that he is not stupid."

I finally had the courage to say "Yeah it's me I just uh had to come back down to tell Carly that the apartment is locked and she needs to let me in so I came back down to tell you guys and then I accidentally heard your conversation" I lied easily.

"So you eavesdropped on us?". The way he said it made me feel even worse than before.

"I guess you could say that but not on purpose".

Freddie said, "So I guess you know about the kiss then?".

"Yeah I do", I was clearly annoyed but I didn't want to make it obvious.

Freddie said, "Well it didn't mean anything to me apparently not to Carly either". I notice that he said it loud enough that Carly could hear it.

Then I said "Like I care", but deep down I really did.

Freddie POV:

After Carly said that she just wants to be friends I went upstairs to see Sam eavesdropping on us. To my surprise, she had a guilty look on her face this is when I found out she knew about the kiss. She tried to pull off like she didn't care but I had a feeling she does.

Carly POV:

After Freddie went up the stairs I heard him say "Well it didn't mean anything to me apparently not Carly either". This made my heart ache. I didn't want him to think that it didn't mean anything to me, of course, it did. I guess I sent him the wrong message I have to fix this, but the question is,  how?.

Freddie POV:

I finally decided to go upstairs to Carly's apartment and when I tried to open the door it was open. That means that Sam lied to me and she eavesdropped on purpose.

The fact that Sam cared some much made me have butterflies in my stomach and confusion at the same time.

I called out to Sam and told her the door was open. She said, "Oh maybe Spencer opened it after I knocked?". I knew she was lying from the beginning, but I just went along with it.

Sam POV:

I had a feeling Freddie knew I was lying so I tried to make my lie sound more believable than it was before. So when he yelled out that the door was open I said: "Oh maybe Spencer opened it after I knocked?". I guess he believed me now.

I saw Carly coming up the stairs so I quickly ran into the apartment so she wouldn't see me in the hallway.

Carly POV:

I came up the stairs with all my luggage thinking "Thanks guys for all the help".

I eventually made it to my door and feeling like I was about to pass out and trying to find my key I accidentally dropped my bag with my laptop on my foot. I screamed out in pain. Then all of a sudden Freddie swung open the door and I feel over with all the luggage. Getting ready for contact with the floor and all of a sudden I felt slightly strong arms catch me.

Next thing I knew I was looking up at Freddie as held was holding me in a dip motion, staring into each other's eyes. His eyes were sparkling with emotion, I could see how badly I hurt him. I finally had the courage to say "Sorry", to my surprise he chuckled.

He said "What are you apologizing for falling?", he laughed again.

I couldn't help but blush he helped me up and I said "Thanks". I smiled weakly.

He said "Your welcome".

Sam walked from the kitchen holding a bucket of chicken in her hands. She said, "What happened here?". She was waving a piece of chicken at all the luggage.

"Oh uh, Carly almost fell and dropped all the luggage". Sam laughed so did Freddie and I looked at them both mad and embarrassed.

For once in a very long time, things were normal.

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