Is she gonna be ok?

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Next day

Freddie POV:

I woke up at 9:00am cause I wanted to get to see Carly. When I woke up I took a shower and called Spencer. It rang and rang and rang. Then after three rings Spencer answered in a tired voice "Hello?".

"Hey Spencer it's Freddie".

"Oh hey freddieo what's up?" He said.

"I was just gonna ask if you are ready to see Carly today?" I said in an excited tone.

"Yeah but visting hours don't start till one" he said.

Once he said this I was disappointed. I said "Oh ok see you in three hours".

2 hours later:

I couldn't wait any longer so I called Sam and asked if she wanted to go to IHOP with me. She said ok and she will be here in half an hour. After I called Sam I called Spencer and asked him if he wanted to go. He said fine in a tired voice again.

Half an hour later:

I heard a knock on my door and I opened it to see Sam standing there. She looked so beautiful. She was wearing a dark violet lace dress. It was knee length, she had on a black  blazer  over it and her hair was up in a bun. She was wear black wedges and her toe and fingernails were painted dark magenta. I was stunned by her beauty. I must have looked at her very long cause she said "Uhh Fredward you staring I must look really good". She chuckled.

I said "Yeah you look really nice".

She blushed and said "Thanks Freddie", she smiled.

The way she looked made me feel underdressed. I told Sam that Spencer was going to join us for breakfast. She looked disappointed for a second but she hid it and said "Whatever".

"Oh she must have thought this was a date that's why she dressed like that now I feel bad".

Sam POV:

I was disappointed that Spencer was going to join us. I love Spencer like a big brother but I wanted to be alone with Freddie. When he told me I said "Whatever", and played it off like I didn't care. But I really do. We knocked on Spencer and Carly's door. There was no answer. We knocked again no answer. So I burst through the door and walked into Spencer room to see him lying down in bed. I was so mad after all this time he hasn't even got out off bed. I found a blow horn on the floor and put it by his ear a squeezed it.He screamed and rolled off the bed and hit the floor hard.

I told him to get in the shower now and he got up and ran in the shower. I walked to the living room to see Freddie surprised. He asked "What happened?".

I said "Spencer wasn't ready so I squeezed a blow horn by his ear and told him to get in the shower and now he's getting ready".

Freddie said "Oh ok" and sat on the couch.

10 minutes later:

Spencer was finally ready and we left his apartment to go to IHOP. We got in Spencer's car and we were on our way.

5 minutes later:

We pulled up to IHOP to see many cars parked in the parking lot. I was surprised because, it is only a Wednesday in summer vacation. Spencer parked the car and we walked inside. The lady told us it would be a five minutes wait.

Five minutes later:

The lady ascourted us to our table. She handed us the menu and we ordered.

After the meal:

Spencer said he had to use the bathroom. When he left Freddie started to talk breaking the silence between us. He said "I'm sorry if you thought this was a date".

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