A Double Date Gone Wrong

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Carly POV:

What is Freddie doing here?. We never come here unless we are all together. I got caught up in my thoughts because Freddie started yelling "Carly you ok?". He had a concerned look on his face. Even when he is worried he's so cute.

"Oh uhh yeah I'm fine just thinking", I said with a weak smile.

"Oh uhh ok um what were you doing here?". I can't tell him I was meeting Griffin for a date that would probably hurt him.

"But was is this even a date?".

"Oh uh just getting a smoothie" I lied.

Suddenly Griffin walked in. My situation just turned from awkward to extremely awkward.

"Oh no the first time I don't want him here he comes", I thought to myself.

"Oh hey Carly sorry I'm late" he said with a smile. I returned the smile.

"I thought you said you were just getting a smoothie?" Freddie said with a confused look on his face.

"Oh uh yeah I was getting a smoothie with Griffin" I said with a smile trying to cover my guilt.

"Oh uhh ok you guys want to join me and Sam she is on her way?" he said with a weak smile on his face.

"Hell no" I thought to myself.

"Oh uhh n-".

But before I could finish Griffin said "Sure". I gave him a 'no I don't want to look' but he ignored all signs.

He really doesn't get me. Why did I even like him. I looked at him and thought to myself, "Oh yeah that's why" I looked at him and his perfect face. I quickly looked away as we sat down a table.

After a long talk between these two about to about zombie slayer 5. Sam finally walked in and sat down with us kissing Freddie on the cheek. Freddie blushed. I just ignored it but deep down I'm crying inside. "Hey Sam wanna go to build a bra afterwards?".

"Yeah sure".

There was an awkward silence and Griffin got up and said "I'm gonna order us some smoothies" and he got up and then he left.

Freddie POV:

I can't believe Carly was going out on a date with him again. I thought he was in New York. I don't want her to date him again. He's wrong for her. We were ment to be then I started getting into a argument with my brain.

"If you're ment to be then why are you dating sam"

. "I'm not dating Sam".

"Then why haven't you told her yet your leading her on".

"Am not".




"No no"

"Yes yes"



That's it I mentally slapped myself and snapped out of it. Carly and Sam were talking about something and Griffin was coming back with our smoothies. I looked over at Carly, she and Sam were laughing. She looks so beautiful when she laughs. She looks beautiful in anything she does. I just wish I would man up and tell her how I feel. I don't want to be with Sam I want her and only her. She completes me.

Carly POV:

Me and Sam were talking about the latest episode of Ridiculousness. Then I noticed something weird, Griffin was flirting with the cashier. It made me angry that he would do this while were out on a date. I can't believe him. She slipped him a note and he placed it in his pocket. She twirled her hair as he walked away that little *enter bad word here*. Ugh that's it I'm done. I got up and started to yell at him. "I can't believe you" I said with rage filling up inside me and coming out.

"What's wrong" he said with a guilty look on his face.

"Ugh yeah sure act like you don't know I saw you slip her phone number in your pocket".

"Carl-". I stopped him before he could finish and grabbed the smoothie from his hand and dumped it on his head.

I didn't care, he hurt me enough. I don't care about the people watching, video taping or laughing. Or about the shocked look on my friends faces. He looked at me shocked at what I just did. I just started realizing what I just did and tears started to roll down. I started to run not caring about my name being called by T-bo saying I have to pay for the smoothie I dumped on his head. I ran home not looking back.

Freddie POV:

I can't believe that just happened. Griffin got what he deserved. I got up gave Griffin a death glare and ran after Carly. I know exactly where she went. When I got to the apartment building, I ran upstairs the stairs. Not caring that I could have used the elevator. All that matters is that she needs me and I'm going to be there for her.

I knocked on Carly's door and nobody answered. "Hello Carls it's me let me in". No response. I tried the doorknobs and it was open. That's not breaking and entering if it's open right?.

"Carly". No response.

"Carls you here?". No response. I ran upstairs and knocked on her door, only to hear weeping.

"Carls it's me".

She immediately opened the door and pulled me in. I almost fell over. I looked into her eyes. I knew immediately she had been crying her eyes out. Her eyes were red, her face was all puffy. "Freddie-".

"Shh" I grabbed her in a hug and stroked her hair as she cried on my shoulder. She fell asleep in my arms.

I was going to leave until she said "Freddie stay" with eyes closed.

"Ok", "Forever" I whispered so she wouldn't hear me.

As soon as I closed my eyes I was out like a light with the girl of my dreams in my arms.

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