First Day Back Part 2

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Carly POV:

"What are you doing here Griffin I thought you went to New York with your parents?" I said in a disgusted tone because I didn't want him here. I already have enough on my plate.

"Ouch I don't get a hello?  A how  are you?" he said put a hand on his chest and clapsing it.

"No, no you don't and since when do you care about what I think wouldn't you rather be playing with your pee wee babies instead?" I said rolling my eyes.

"Jeez Carls why you got to be like that, besides I through them out I realized how stupid it was and I'm sorry, I'm different now don't you see?" He does look different same dark brown hair and eyes, but he his personality is different for some reason he had a different look in his eyes then he did when we were dating. Maybe I should give him a chance.

"Sorry Griffin I'm just in a bad mood" I said with a sincere smile.

"It's fine" he said.

There was an awkward silence and I broke it and said "Well I got to go to class but I'll see you later?".

"Yeah sure".

Just as I made my way do the hallway Griffin yelled to me "Can you  meet me at the Groovy Smoothie at around 5:00?". I nodded my head and made my way to Math.

After school Carly's apartment:

I walked through my door put my keys in my bag and threw my bag on the couch. "Spencer I'm home". There was no response.

"That's weird, must be working at the art school".

I went into the kitchen and poured a cup of diet soda.

I went upstairs to my room placed my cup on my bedside table and threw myself on the bed. I looked at the time and realized it was 4:45. "Oh my god I have to meet Griffin in fifteen minutes". I ran to the bathroom and took a shower. When I came out I saw the time was 4:50. I quickly dried myself off and got dressed. I put on a beige sweater, black jeans, dark brown tims and my black beanie. I grabbed my jacket and my phone and ran downstairs and out the door.


I finally got to Groovy Smoothie, two minutes late. I stopped right in front of the door and catched my breath. I gathered myself together and walked in to see that Griffin wasn't there yet. Late as usual. I rolled my eyes and sat down at a table, and waited.

5 minutes. Still not here.

5 minutes more he is still not here.

10 minutes later still not here.

Ugh I can't believe he stood me up. I should have known not to trust that douche bag. I got up and was just about to walk out. When someone came through the door the last person I was expecting to see. Freddie

Sorry short chapter. Stupid school has me doing so much work. I will try to make it longer next time. Please vote and comment.

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