♔Chapter Twenty four♔

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Fearing Love from the Alpha 

Chapter 24

Dedicated to Luvpurple98 for voting and commenting through out the whole story and making me smile.


“Double date.” I almost chocked on my water when Lacey came skipping to me with a tray of food in her hand. Coughing, Xavier patted my back with a worried look. “Are you okay Sweetheart?”

He asked in a soft voice. Nodding I said, “I’m good could you please get me some napkins?” Looking down at the stain of water on my shirt I grimaced. With a quick nod he got up to go get me napkins.

Shooting Lacey a glare I was furious. “Are you out of your mind?” I hadn’t even thought about dating yet and she brings up double dating as if it were nothing. “Hey if you’re already smooching my brother then the least you could do is date him.” She said with a perfectly plucked eyebrow raised.

My cheeks burned as she said the word smooching. Narrowing my eyes I looked at her. “How do you know we kissed?” If Xavier told her I am going to kill him. Her green eyes widened in shock. “Holy fucking cheese balls! You guys kissed!” Behind Lacey came her boyfriend Carter.

“What is going on over here?” He looked between a happy looking Lacey and a blushing me. “They kissed!” Carter’s eyes widened as he looked at me amused. “Let the world know would you.” Slamming my head down on the cafeteria table I groaned at the pain.

My head hurt. “Ow.” I let out a loud groan. “What is going on here?” Picking my head up and rubbed my forehead. Once I looked up to Xavier, he was next to me in a flash. “What happened to your forehead?” His eyes held worry and pain.

“Too many questions.” I let my chin rest on Xavier’s shoulder letting him examine my probably bruised forehead. “You need ice.” Looking over to Lacey I could see her face turning red and ready to blow. “AHHHHHH! You guys kissed!” Carter quickly pulled her down to him and sat her on his lap.

“Calm down babe, don’t want the whole school knowing.” Humiliated as everyone starred at me and Xavier, I hid my face in his chest. I don’t know why I went straight to him, but it was like some sort of instinct. Standing up, he helped walk me toward the exit.

“Well look what the cat dragged in.” Said a snobby voice. Xavier stiffened at the voice. My head still tucked beneath Xavier’s arms I looked up. All I could see a face caked with makeup. The girl had a belt for a skirt and her top left nothing to imagine.

“Didn’t know the circus came to town this early.” My eyes widened in surprise as I realized it was me who said it. Slapping a hand over my mouth I looked at a pissed off barbie doll. "Alisa get out of our way." Xavier all, but growled.

A shiver ran down my spin as Xavier's arm wrapped around my hip, pushing aside the Alisa girl. As he walked me to the nurse I couldn't help but ask. "Who was she?" Looking up at him I could see the distress in his eyes as he ran a hand through his already tousled hair.

"The girl I kissed the second day you were here." My heart dropped a little. "Oh." Was my only response. I remembered now, she was the one in the parking lot with him.  Avoiding eye contact with Xavier the nurse checked my bruise.

"Okay sweetie it's nothing big. Just got a put some ice on it and the swelling will stop." Smiling gratefully at the nurse I grabbed the ice pack and pass for class. "Thank you." Walking out I could feel Xavier hot on my heel. "Sasha." He moaned out as he caught up to me.

Still not speaking to him I made my way to my locker. The sound of his heavy breathing behind me indicated that Xavier was still by me. Taking out my stuff for biology I went to close my locker when it was suddenly shut for me.

My temper was rising as Xavier spun me around and leaned into me. "Don't get angry, please." His gorgeous grey eyes held sadness. " Xavier what in the world gave you the idea that I was angry with you?"

My voice slowly rose. "Do you remember the second day you were here, what I told you?" Slowly I remembered what he told me. 

His eyes darkened again for the second time today. An animalistic growl left his lips as he spoke in a grave tone. " Sasha you listen now and you listen good you are mine and I am yours. I don't care  about what happened yesterday as long as your okay ."

He said I was his. Sighing in frustration I closed my eyes. "Look Xavier I am not some possession you can have. I'm not your girlfriend and did not mean to give you the idea that I was your girlfriend. I am sorry if I did and-" My little rant was cut off with his lips on mine.

Dropping my books I closed my eyes. I could feel the ice drop out of my other hand as it made a soft glass crashing noise. The shock wore off as I pulled Xavier closer to me. Lips molded perfectly together I could already see the bruising it would leave. Letting my arms drape over his broad shoulder's  I took it all in.

His delicious woodsy smell filled my nose as he leaned in closer. I moaned against his mouth as his thumbs made circles on my hips. The tingles reached my toes as I leaned into the locker. No tongue action went on, but it was wonderful.

Breathing hard I looked into his lust clouded eyes and bruised lips. It made me proud and slightly embarrassed that I had done that. His air looked a mess. Mine probably looked 10 times worse. "Will you Sasha Summers be mine."

Shocked as his words, my mouth opened agape. Was he seriously asking me to be his girlfriend? Slowly nodding still in shock Xavier swooped down for another passionate kiss. This had to be the best day ever. 

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