♔Chapter Thirty♔

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Fearing Love from the Alpha 

Chapter 30

This chapter is dedicated to Rathanak for the beautiful banner  on the side. Once again check out her poetry. Enjoy the chapter my lovely readers! 


“Sammy meet Sasha. Sasha, Sammy my best friend. Well second best friend now.” I gave a tiny smile to the girl in front of me.

If I thought I was short with my 5’4 frame, boy was I wrong. The little pale 5 foot doll stood in front of my with a sweet smile on her face.

Her thick glasses kept on slipping of her face as she had to keep pushing them up. “Hello Lun- I mean Sasha.” Raising a curious eyebrow I looked over at Lacey who was shooting Sammy a glare.

Shrugging it off I sat back down on my spot on Lacey’s bright pink duvet. Letting them talk about whatever they missed out on, I walked over to the window. It led out to a balcony which I stood by.

Resting my elbows onto the edge my eyes drifted over the sky. The crescent moon was bright and raised high above the air.

I shivered from the slight breeze that was in the air. My breath came out in fogs; my body had goose bumps allover. It was beautiful outside.

The forest behind the house was a dark green. The trees swayed slightly from the breeze. Bringing Xavier’s sweater closer to my face, I inhaled his woodsy scent.

It calmed me down. My eyes started to droop a little. Rustle. Rustle.  Wide awake in alert my eyes peered down into the woods.

My vision was not so good seeing as it was dark, but I could make out the shape of an animal, a very big animal. My heart pumped wildly in my chest.

The only people in the house was Lacey, Sammy, and I. Their was a wild animal out in the backyard. Before I could call for Lacey, more creatures came out from the woods.

I gasped in surprise as I figured out they were all wolves. My eyes widened as they walked closer to the house. Their had to be a least twenty of them.

The grey one was in the front with its head looking up straight at me. All of the wolves head slowly looked at me. Their unusually large bodies got down on their stomachs.

I watched in fascination as they bowed their head down. I must be dreaming. More wolves emerged from the forest and got down on their stomachs. My head started to hurt from an impact on my head.

Clutching my head I couldn’t stop the pain. It was like something was trying to push into my head. Not just one thing, but millions. My heart beat grew faster.

I couldn’t hear anything but my heartbeat. Slowly I looked down again. Wolves of varies colors were all staring at me.

Why weren’t they up here? Why haven’t they attached me? The grey wolf in the front stood up on its hind knees. It gave out a howl.

I couldn’t understand what was going, on. A gasp from behind be caused me to turn around. Sammy and Lacey came running to me. “Sasha!”

They screamed in an usion as they helped me stand. With one hand clutching my aching head the other pointed at the many wolves down below.

“Wolves.” I let out as a small whisper. Lacey’s eyes widened as she looked at the many wolves down below. “Derek no!” The name sounded so familiar as it passed through Lacey’s lips.

Pushing Sammy away from me I looked down. Crack! Crack! My eyes widened in horror as I watched the grey wolf’s form change.

The hairs on its back became smaller, its face changed form. The grey on his back changed to a tan color. I was lost for words.

The boy crouched over looked up at me. Blue eyes looked at me curiously. His blonde hair was a jumbled mess. The boy looking at me was no ordinary boy; it was Derek, the boy from my Geometry class.

This boy was a werewolf. My head ached a thousand times more. Feeling weaker than ever, I let myself go. “Sasha!” “Luna!” Sammy and Lacey yelled at the same time as I fainted. Xavier had a lot of explaining to do.


“Sasha. Sweetheart! Please wake up. I am so sorry. Honey wake up!” I heard a familiar voice call out to me. Slowly my eyes opened to stare at worried grey eyes.

“Xavier?” I croaked out through cracked lips. “Yes! Yes! It’s me!” He said with a smile on his lips. Leaning in he placed a glass of cold water against my lips urging me to drink.

Letting him baby me, I thought back to what had happened only minutes ago. Or was it hours? The water spilled down my throat with ease.

After finishing the glass of water, Xavier pulled my into him. He kissed the crown of my head repeatedly while saying sorry. Sighing into his chest I rested against him.

After all the mayhem that went on today I was too weak to say anything. “Xavier. You have a lot of explaining to do tomorrow.”

He let out a chuckle while getting under the covers. Pulling me closer to his chest, I fell into a deep sleep dreaming about the brown wolf that was in the woods a few weeks ago change into Xavier. 

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