♔Chapter Seventeen♔

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Fearing Love from the Alpha

Chapter 17


Lacey looked at me with confused green eyes. She walked over to what looked like a dresser and grabbed a bright pink tissue box. Quietly she sat down on her bright pink bed. Exhaling a deep breath I shuffled over to sit next to her.

 Running a hand through my hair I decided it was time to start. “At the age of eight my mother and twin brother passed away.” Pausing I looked up to meet Lacey’s eyes, they were filled with pity. Something that I hated the most.

 “I wasn’t sure how it happened or why, but it did. On the day of there funeral it was just me and my da- father I mean.” I tried to swallow the bile in my throat that wanted to come out. “My father and I blame me for the accident.” I felt myself start to chook up. “It-it was my fault.”

 I felt Lacey squeeze my hand in her’s. I didn’t dare take a look at her face. “I remember being at school for a poem audition.”  I chuckled as I spoke. I remember the exact words from my poem. “I memorized the poem I made that day.

 “Death isn’t real it’s just a word meaning the person you love is watching you, it’s just that you can’t see them. The world hasn’t come to an end, they are watching. Not the god’s above, but the one’s you love are there and in your heart. Ironic how when my mother and Sam were on their way over that the accident happened. It is my fault.”

 Putting my face in my hands I let the tears fall. It was my fault. “Sasha it was not your fault. You didn’t cause the accident.” Lacey pulled me up into her arms holding me as I sobbed. Continuing with the story I went on, “That wasn’t the worst part.” My words caused Lacey to stop rocking me back and forth.

“Go on.” She all, but whispered. “After the accident my father started drinking. He- he would leave me at home during the night and leave. At first I thought he was going to place to take his hurt away, but I was little back then.” I stopped and closed my eyes tight.

“One day I was in my room playing with my dolls. It was almost midnight, but I was too little to understand that I should have been in bed. My father came in staggering and I thought he was hurt.” Clutching onto Lacey I pried myself to keep talking.

 "When I went over to him to see if he was hurt. He slapped me across the face.”  Lacey held onto me tight. “I cried and cried. That was the first time my father had laid a hand on me. I remember asking him why he hit me, but he did worse.” Lacey stopped me by saying, “You don’t have to go on.”

 “No I want to.” Taking a deep breath I went on. “My father had slapped me, kicked me until I was unconscious and left me in the backyard for the night.” Lacey’s gasp made me hold onto her tighter, as if it would happen any second. “That was the first day. For days it went on. I had stopped screaming by the third week knowing I would get beat more.”

Breath, I told myself and I did. “After a full two years of constant torture. I was dead positive that I would die.  It was so stupid how no one ever knew. But I knew why they didn’t. My father kept the beatings to a light so there would be no bruises on my face or arms.”

 I shivered in disgust as I remember what else he had done. “We move three times a year, so folks in town wouldn’t get suspicious. I tried running away once, but was beaten so bad I had to go to the hospital.” Lacey let go of me to get a tissue. Her face was drowned with tears and snout.

“He made me promise to never leave him because he would find out.”  I decided not to tell her about my father almost raping me because he had passed out before it even happened. 

“Well you asked what happened with the recent bruises I’ll tell you. On my first day of school when I met Xavier I had passed out.” Lacey giggled a little. “I know Xavier told me.” My cheeks turned bright red.

“Nothing happed I swear. Anyways when Xavier was driving me I checked my phone and saw that my father had called.” I tried not to shiver at the thoughts going through my head. “When I got home my father was really mad and well beat me.” There were no tears in my eyes.

 There was no point. My life is going to end in four weeks shortly. “Oh Sasha how come you never told me!” She grabbed me and pulled me into a hug sobbing her heart out. Quickly sobering up she said, “We have to tell Xavier!”

My face paled at the thought of Xavier finding out. I finally get a chance to live normal, but my secret will ruin it. “NO!” I roared out in anger. Lacey’s angry face turned confused. “What do you mean ‘no’ we can report your dad and you can be free from this mess.”

 Rubbing my temples with two fingers I cursed at the fact that it could work. “Then what? I’m a minor they could still take me to a home!”  I refuse to live in a house with other kids who might be like me.

 It’s already enough to have to get beaten. It would be humiliating. If Xavier finds out he will for sure be disgusted in me and want no part of me. I know I was being selfish, but to actually be able to have people care about me made me feel loved.

 “Lacey I am telling you my darkest secret, please can you not tell anyone?” I looked at her pleading with all I had. Telling her made me feel a weight being lifted off my shoulder.


“Please Lacey you’re the only one I told.” I begged. Her eyes got softer as she leaned down to me on the bed. “Okay, but under one condition.” Her eyes turned into a glare.

 “I will give you one month and I will check you every day. If I see one bruise you will be staying at my house and I swear I’ll tell Xavier.” Jumping up I hugged her. “Thank you.”

 She hugged me back and for a second I felt like I was truly loved, like I was hugging my long lost sister. Now why was I not freaking out about telling Xavier in a month? I won’t be here. “Twenty-two more days.” I whispered to myself as I hugged Lacey.

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