♔Chapter Thirty seven♔

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Fearing Love from the Alpha 

Chapter 37


“Well that was quiet a show.” James said clapping his hands together. I could only bite my tongue and glare at him. Here you go Alpha. A pack member threw me a pair of shorts. No need. I crouched down on the grass. It’s time.

My wolf howled in happiness. He wanted revenge as much as I did.  Crack! Crack! Crack! My bones started to bend in different angles. It was agonizing, yet felt so good. I could feel my wolf starting to surface.

The hairs on my back and everywhere else started to grow. I let out a grunt as my eyes dilated. My fingers webbed out into paws. My thighs started to grow muscular and hair sprouted everywhere. Not a minute later I was in my wolf form.

James was already into his form. His wolf was slightly smaller than mine. His dark brown fur had wisps of grey because he was older. His form was less muscular form the aging he had been through. We circled each other. The war between rouges and pack members is over.

It was now between father and son. Pack men were standing around in a circle protectively waiting for my signal if I was in need of help. I wouldn’t need them though. This was my fight to fight. Rouges that worked with James were on the outskirts of the forest near the trees.

I could feel their sly eyes watching from afar. Just waiting to pounce on me. I couldn’t wait any longer, I pounced on James back. He let out a growl as I bit off some fur from his back. He lunged right back sinking his teeth into my right thigh.

I let out a small whimper before catching a hold of his neck in between my mouth. You wouldn’t dare kill your own father. I only sunk my teeth in further. In a quick second James’s left paw scratched my chest. Letting go I fell back.

Blood seeped through the cut catching on my fur. It healed quickly as ever. I got up on my hind knees. You are not my father or anyway related to me!  Lunging forward with rage I missed the fact that a rouge was coming for my injured right thigh. Slamming into dirt I could feel the piercing pain in my thigh.

I doubled over trying to get my wolf to heal it, but the cut was too deep. Suddenly a brown and grey wolf pounced onto me. It was James. I looked over to the rouge to see someone had token care of it. James growled down at me was a determined look in his eyes.

After I am done with you. I will take the title as the Alpha King. I will rule all werewolves. And I guarantee you I will take Sasha from you. That was the last straw. My wolf was pissed. Kicking James in the stomach I jumped up. Pinning him to the ground.

By the look in his eyes I could see he was shocked. I looked him straight in the eye. His grey eyes were darker then mine, almost pitch black. My teeth sunk into the same punctured holes from before. I could see him mentally flinch.

Son do you really want this? To kill the last of your family? I could taste the metallic blood. It dripped down the column of his thick throat. His brown and grey hairs had blood on it. His blood. I don’t know why but I wanted to savor the fact that I was the one that was going to end all my misery. Finally I could have a happy ending with my mate and family.

You’re wrong. I already have a family. My canine sharp teeth sunk in hitting his wind pipe. James’s eyes widened in shock. I let go watching the wolf transform back into human. James’s wolf was dead. James doubled over gripping his bloody neck.

I changed back to human standing above him. He looked up at me with silver grey eyes. Blood started spilling out his mouth. Chocked up with blood James managed to let out his final words before death took its toll. “I am king.” He fell to the ground drowned in his own blood.

I should have felt guilt, remorse, or sadness but I felt as if a burden had been lifted off my shoulder. “Place him next to my mother.” I walked over to the shorts lying on the ground. Putting them on I looked over to the group of rouges who had stood and watched the whole thing.

Many of them were still very young; I’m betting many had been forced into the pack while others had no other place to go. The youngest had to be at least fifteen while the oldest in his late twenties. “I know I should have every single one of you slaughtered by now. But with James finally being gone I am in a good mood.”

I stood in front of the men. There had to be a least a hundred men standing and watching me. Silently. “You all are men and by the looks of it none of you have met your mates yet.” Raising an eyebrow I watched as every single head shake side to side indicating none of them had mates. Sighing I came up with a plan.

“Okay. All of you men have two choices. First choice, my warriors will kill you how ever they want.” I turned around to see warriors smile in content at the choice. “Second choice, you can join my pack and get ranked. Some of you will become warriors. Others will be trainers. I guarantee at least 80% of you men will find your mates within two years.”

Many of the rouges perked up at the saying of mate. “Now how many choose choice one?”  I looked around to see any raised hands. None. “ALRIGHT! Now that everything has been sorted out, you may stay in the guest house. Brandon come here.”

A good friend of mine walked up to me with a small frown on his face. “Yes Alpha?” I smiled at him. “Since you seem to have not found your mate, I want you to be perhaps an Alpha to them.” Brandon looked shocked. “Of course Alpha.” Brandon stood in front of the men. “Come on. It’s a long run ahead of us.” Every one of them turned into wolves following behind Brandon’s wolf form.

I sighed tired and drained from the day’s events. “Xavier!” Carter yelled running up to me. I smiled at him tiredly. “How’s Sasha?” Carter smiled back before saying, “she’s fine at home. Right now she’s sleeping.”  I nodded in satisfaction. “What about her wounds?” Carter grimaced. “Her arm is defiantly broken and she has to drink a lot of fluids because of dehydration.”

I could only sigh in frustration. “I’m going to go home to check on her. Do you mind looking over everyone?” Carter just shook his head. “Go home. It’s been a long day.” I noticed that the sun had gone down already. The stars lit the night sky. Changing into my wolf form I ran home at full speed.

I couldn’t wait to finally get Sasha to myself once and for all. Don’t forget you have to mark her. My wolf said with what I was assuming a smirk. I laughed. That was going to be a difficult task to complete before the full moon. I looked up at the almost full moon.

I had so little time to finish the mating. Just thinking of Sasha intimately in my bed just got me stirring. Groaning in frustration I looked up at the brightly lit house ahead of me. It sure was going to be a difficult task to complete even for the Alpha King. 

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