♔Chapter Eleven♔E

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Seducing Alpha

Chapter 11

After I told Xavier where I would be working, the car moved in silence. I could see by the expression on his face that he was fuming mad. His knuckles were visibly white in the moonlight. I bit my lower lip looking around at our surroundings. The only other thing around besides trees was the moon lighting the way. It lit the street in a luminous way; the car’s soft purring engine had me relaxing. I leaned back looking out the window.

My mind went back to my father’s words. “You start work next week,” he said right before he left to the bar. I sighed thinking about work; just the idea of male costumer’s grimy hands touching me in places that were not meant to be touched caused me in shiver in displeasure. Click! My eyes shot open as I opened an eye, Xavier’s thick bicep came into view as he leaned over me to reach for something. I watched him warily, his muscles bunched up as they brushed against my breast.  Tremors of pleasure ran through me at the slight contact. I looked away with burning cheeks.

“Is it warm enough for you?” Xavier’s question rang in my ears as I could feel the warmth of his breath against my neck. I tried not to tremble from the heat that suddenly ran straight to my core. I bit my lower lip slowly nodding. Slowly I could feel him pulling away. Letting out a breath of air I leaned back trying to relax against the seat. The silence that filled the car didn’t help at all. “Ca-can I turn on the radio?” I asked quietly knowing Xavier could hear me. He nodded still looking out the window. I slowly leaned forward staring at the stereo system realizing I had no clue what to press.

A deep rumbling chuckle filled the air. I looked over at Xavier whose bright white teeth shinned in the moon light. “I think I have a mixed tap CD in there. The radio’s reception isn’t that good out here in the woods,” Xavier said as he messed around with the touch screen player. Leaning back to make myself a bit comfortable I watched as Xavier eased into his seat, driving at a steady pace. The soothing sound of violins playing filled the air. I couldn’t help but close my eyes. The guitars joined in with the violins creating a rhythm. Then a woman’s husky voice filled the air. “Blue jeans, white shirt. Walked into the room you know you make my eyes burn,” I tried not to revive into the fact that that was exactly how I met Xavier.

Her smooth voice rose as she sang about her broken heart and how she would never stop loving the man that took her heart. As the song ended I couldn’t help but want to hear more. “Who sang that,” I asked Xavier as another song by the same woman filled the air. “Lana Del Ray, Blue Jeans,” Xavier said as he glanced over at me to see my reaction. I had a clueless look on my face.

He gave me a small smile. “She’s a mix between Elvis Presley and Nirvana,” Xavier said with a happy look in his eyes. “Well she sounds amazing,” I said as I looked out onto the dark road. We listened quietly as Lana sang about her man and how she wondered if he would love her when she was no longer young and beautiful. Slowly without realizing I drifted off to sleep.

“Sasha, wake up,” a voice soothed into my ear. I mumbled groaning as I snuggled deeper into my soft blanket. The warmth and smell of the forest air was so comforting. A soft chuckle made me reconsidered where I was at the moment. Never had I ever been so comfortable in my bed and it was always slightly cold from the draft that I could never find. “Come on sweetheart, I want to get you something to eat,” said the same husky voice.

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