♔Chapter Thirty eight♔

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Fearing Love from the Alpha 

Chapter 38


I sighed staring up at the moon. A shiver ran down my spin as a cool wind blew by. With my elbows propped up on the edge of the balcony I anxiously waited for Xavier’s arrival. Butterflies seemed to take over my stomach as anticipation took over.

What if something went wrong? What if he were to get hurt? What if he didn’t want me anymore? The last what if stung me the most. I gasped in realization moving away from the balcony into the room.

Everything that had went on in the past few weeks started to make sense in my mind. Xavier is the Alpha King and learning in science I knew that Alpha meant leader and King well that meant ruler. Blinking back to reality I pulled at my hair in frustration.

 “No. No. No!” I already knew that I was the Luna of the pack even though I was nervous about it I thought I could learn about being the perfect Luna for the pack, but being Queen Luna that is just too far.

 I knew for sure as a fact that not everyone would accept this. First off I wasn’t mentally well. My childhood was something that will scare me for the rest of my life. I couldn’t be around men often. And second I wasn’t werewolf, just human.

 Groaning softly I fell back on the bed. I wasn’t cut out for any of this and I knew for a fact Xavier was not going to be able to deal with me. Teaching me about werewolf history, how to act, how to speak, knowing all the ranks. It just gave me a headache thinking about it.

 I loved Xavier so much, but I wasn’t right for the job. Xavier needs something more, something worth his time. Sanding up I walked into the closet searching for a suit case. I had a feeling Xavier was on his way back here, I don’t know how I could tell but I knew.

 Finally finding a suit case in the back of Xavier’s closet I searched for my clothes. Yesterday Xavier had movers move all my things into his closet without telling me. Grabbing the most clothes I could fit into the luggage without it being too heavy for me to carry I walked into the bathroom grabbing a few shampoo bottles of mine.

 A quick glance at the mirror I stopped what I was doing and just starred. I starred at myself. My cheek was swollen and a bright purple that made me want to run and hide under a rock. My arm was in a cast that was light grey my favorite color.

 Running a hand through my wet strands of hair with my good hand I sat on top of the sink. I wasn’t going to lie but it hurt. Not the cuts or bruises but the fact that I was leaving Xavier. We all had flaws, everyone.

 Mine were just too deep to heal or so I thought. And then Xavier walked in and blew my breath away. He had flaws I’m not going to try to deny. Like how he was so stubborn at times, or possessive when ever a guy even got near me, he kept his secrets to himself which worried me the most.

When I really thought about it, Xavier and I didn’t really know much about each other.  Maybe it was the fact that we were mates or that I was dehydrated for the day but I knew it was crazy to think that I fell in love with Xavier in such a short period of time.

 Without realizing it, I felt something warm run down my cheek, looking back in the mirror I realized I was crying. Whipping away the tears I got some face wash to clear up my face before heading out. “Sasha!” I heard a call from Xavier’s room. “Yes?” I replied knowing exactly who it was. Heavy footfalls made its way to the bathroom.

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