♔Chapter Seven♔E

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Seducing Alpha

Chapter 7

Ring! Ring! Ring! The irritating noise was pounding in my head like a drum. My head was throbbing from pain. I groaned lightly, willing the noise to stop. It didn't comply. I growled in immense pain as my eyes shot open only to close again from the harsh rays coming from the window. Ring! Ring! Grabbing my phone I didn't bother checking it, already having a feeling of knowing creep into me.

"Hello," I cringed at my groggy voice. "Sasha?" A sharp voice rang into my ear. Blinking I opened my eyes glance down at the unknown number. "Lacey?" Again I sounded like a croaking frog. "Thank god it's you; it took me forever to reach you." My sleepy mind was still foggy and anything that went through one ear came out the other.

I started to pull myself up off the bed to check the time when a stinging sensation ran up my right hand. I hissed in pain accidentally dropping the phone on the ground. It fell with a thump as my left hand squeezed at my right one. "Hello! Sasha! What's going on?"Tangling the bed sheets away from my legs I reached down for my phone.

"S-sorry," my voice came out weak as my eyes strayed toward the bed sheets that were once a light pink, now covered in a deep red. "Anyways I called about the sleepover. I know you're probably bu-" I let Lacey keep talking knowing she wouldn't stop anytime soon. My mind was off into another place, more precisely thinking of ways to clean the blood ridden sheets.

Sighing I decide the whole spread would have to go. With my bloodied hand holding the phone, I used the other to sweep the sheets off the mattress. Singing as I threw the sheets off into the corner, I made my way to the bathroom to nurse my wound back to health. "And Sammy promised she would come. So are you in?" I was startled by Lacey's question, grimacing at the fact that I hadn't paid the damndest clue.

"Can you hold on?" I asked already put my phone down. Putting my wrist delicately under the water, the pain filled cry couldn't be held in. I let out a sharp cry at the blazing touch of cold water on my wound. Biting my knuckles I could feel tears start to form in my eyes. My head was in a roaring headache and the water didn't help the cuts. It only made it feel like the blade was still running deep inside my wrist.

Only this time instead of feeling pleasure, all I could feel was pain. Throbbing that hurt so badly I couldn't help but fall to my knees. The phone I was talking on minutes ago was forgotten. When the pain coincided a bit, I blinked my eyes open standing up. The nauseating feeling my stomach didn't go unnoticed.

I looked down at my clothes, only to find my sweater had blood stains all over it. I swayed a bit on feet as I pulled at my hair willing the headache to stop. My hands blindly reached for my phone. "Lacey I'll call you back later." I said with a click to the phone. Dropping it on the counter, I wrapped gauze around my cut. Blood started to seep through but that was the least of my worries.

My whole body ached in unknown pain; I tried to get to bed. My feet wobbled as I moved taking baby steps. I glanced up to the other side of the room where my bed was. It seemed so far away. My eyes started to close as I pushed against the fatigue with all my might. Still, my body seemed to shut down. I dropped down not being able to feel anything but drowsy. As I drifted off I couldn't help but sense a ringing in my ear.


"Sasha! Sasha! Pick up, damn it." Lacey's loud voice couldn't go unnoticed by me, especially when my mate was involved. Groggily I arose from my bed. I looked over at my clock to see that it was about ten in the morning; it was too early for anyone to be up on a Saturday morning.

Pulling the sheets off me I tried to rub the sleep out of my eyes. Running down the stairs I came to face my petrified sister in the living room. The look on her face alarmed me so much I was seconds away from running to Sasha's house. Lacey was too busy on the phone she didn't even notice me enter the room.

On the other line I could hear a voice say, "Please leave a message after the tone." The way Lacey kept biting at her nails indicated something was wrong. "Lacey what's going on?" Her head seemed to have snapped my way. My eyes widened at the look on her face. She dropped the phone on to the couch stalking her way toward me. I backed up into the wall unaware of what was going on.

Her finger poked at my chest in an accusing manner. "You!" She screamed out in anger. Being an Alpha meant that if anyone beneath me showed me anything but respect, and then they would be kicked out of the pack. The only problem was that because Lacey was my twin sister, we had equal power and dominance. But because I was male and Lacey did not want to hold the Alpha title, it made her and her mate the Beta's. In other words, she could rip my head off as easily as I could to her. With the pissed off look in her eyes, I knew I would need backup.

Carter. In the living room, now. In an instant Carter was running down the stairs, Lacey didn't even have the chance to blink before Carter's arms were around her holding her back. The look of anger still didn't pass Lacey's face. "Not now Carter, Xavier has some explaining to do." I gave Carter a bewildered look. He looked back at me shrugging, not having a clue as to what was going on. "Lacey I need you to calm down and explain to me what happened to Sasha."

I was terrified something was wrong with her, but had to hold myself back from running to her because of the promise I made to myself from the night before.

She was still on my mind as I lied awake not feeling an ounce of tiredness. Alisa's words were still running through my mind. She was right in some way. How would Sasha be a good Luna? Even if I did mark her, she would never be able to shift. I had the largest pack in the U.S., to think a human helped run the pack would spread. When rouges would realize my weakness was a human, they would easily be able to discard her ruining me. The only way to keep both her and the pack safe was to not accept her and to leave her alone.

"Shut the hell up you asshole! What did you do?" I looked at her confused. I needed to know what was wrong with Sasha and why Lacey was being so dramatic. "What do you mean by that?" My patience was being tested. Her overdramatic ways was just wasting time spent on me finding out Sasha's problem. I was close to walking away when her words broke into my steps.

"Like you don't know! After I told Sasha about you she looked terrified. And don't think I don't know something is going on between the both of you! I know all about you switching classes to be in her classes. And I could smell her all over your car," Lacey's rant left her breathless. I wasn't surprised she knew what was going on. Twins have this uncanny connection and at times they really anger me.

"Lacey I really have no clue what you're talking about." In my mind I knew she had connected the dots. With our twin connection and the mysterious way she figured it all out I knew she knew. Lacey let out a gasp in Carter's arms. My eyes glanced over at Carter who looked like he was watching a soap opera.

He still had a hint of confusion in his eyes, but Lacey's next words seemed to make everything clearer for him. "You're her mate." I tried not to roll my eyes from her theatrical words. "Yes, you've figured out the secret I've been keeping from you." The anxiety of not knowing what was going on with Sasha was getting to me.

Lacey's shocked face and Carter's amused face was not helping. "Now tell me, what's wrong with Sasha." Lacey seemed to have shaken out of her trance when she figured out my words and their underlying meaning of urgency. "S-she sounded so tired and barley said anything then claimed she would call me later."

It felt like the world had been lifted off my shoulders. The sudden urge to strangle Lacey didn't help much. With the little patience I had I spoke calmly to Lacey, "Of course she won't talk now! It's ten in the morning and she's probably sleeping in like the rest of the world." Realization crossed over on Lacey's face. Her mouth formed an O shape at my revelation on why Sasha didn't pick up her phone.

I rolled my eyes running a hand through my hair. It was only ten in the morning and already Sasha was involved in my day. I watched as Lacey walked away probably still thinking about what I said. I turned to Carter, watching as he crossed his arms over his chest. The way he gave me a knowing smirk said it all. But I could still see a hint of hurt behind his happiness. "You could have told me you found her."

I gave him a shrug, "It's not as easy as it was for you and Lacey." Carter nodded in understandment. "But then again our relationship didn't start off on the right foot, per say." I let out a slight chuckle knowing exactly why. When Carter and Lacey first met, things were pretty complicated.

"So is she a rouge that we haven't caught?" Carter's mood changed to a more serious note. I shook my head indicating a no. His eyebrows furred, "Do we have a mysterious girl named Sasha in our pack?" I shook my head again slightly amused Carter was so persistent to figure out my mate. I leaned against the wall knowing he had figured it out.

His eyes slightly widened as if he knew, "human." I nodded as he let out a strangled gasp. "This has gotten a hundred times more complicated," Carter said as he rubbed his temples. Sighing I nodded. "How are you going to explain to her?"

I leaned off the wall standing up straight. Carter was tall but not as tall as me. His lofty height just stopped an inch below me. "I can't," I said frustrated. His look indicated me to explain. "She's human, we have the largest pack and you know we have our enemies. If word spread about her, they will get to her one way or another." Carter nodded finally understanding my point.

"But that doesn't mean I don't want night time guards to watch her house." Carter nodded in agreement. "Are you planning on telling Lacey about your plan?" I cringed thinking about Lacey's reaction to my new arrangement. She would probably scream and hit me, but I knew it had to be done. "Do you want to tell her?" I asked Carter knowing his answer already.

He let out a laugh already answering my question. "Your sister and I already have a tough relationship. I tell her you're basically rejecting your mate will not help me or you much." I growled at the word of rejection.

"I'm not rejecting her," The distasteful flavor in my mouth at the word rejection left a sour feeling in my stomach. "Fine I'll tell her, but not now." I watched as Carter walked up the steps. I knew he had something to say.

When nothing seemed to come out, he said two words that seemed to make me feel even more frustrated than I already was, "good luck." I nodded knowing I would need the luck when I face the wrath of my sister when it comes time to tell her.

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