♔Chapter Thirty nine♔

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Fearing Love from the Alpha 

Chapter 39


I hissed in pain as Xavier put the slightest pressure on my injured arm. “Okay! Okay! Yes it hurts!” I yelled out at him pushing him away from me. He only looked at me with a sad stare. “It’s my entire fault.”

 Rolling my eyes at him I only knocked him on the head with a pillow. “Enough with the pillow!” Xavier said pushing me against the duvet. I comfortably lied down enjoying the cool feel of the comforter. “He’s gone isn’t he?” I asked straight forward.

 If Xavier’s eyes could get anymore darker then the black they turn when he’s angry, this could be it. I traced the slight freckles across his nose, trying to calm him down. Xavier cleared his throat with his eyes changing back to their lovely looking grey. “Yes he’s gone.”

Sighing in content I felt like something was missing. “How come Lacey hasn’t barged in here yet?” Xavier looked over at the alarm clock and snorted. “I either take it Carter and her are getting to comfy in her bed even though he has his own house not so far from here OR she’s still asleep.”

 Giving him a confused look I looked over at the clock and gasped. “It’s already eleven!” I tried getting up before Xavier pushed me back down. “Xavier I’m hungry.” I moaned out to him.

With a quick peck on the nose Xavier ran out the door. I’m guessing he’s getting me breakfast. I giggled as I remembered the first time I woke up in his room. He had me stuffed with all the food he had brought.

 I laughed even more remembering how I couldn’t even climb off the bed; I still couldn’t without thinking my legs would break. I’m still a little frightened I might fall off the bed at night and break my head but thanks to Xavier’s huge arms always wrapped around me I doubt that would happen anytime soon.

 I still couldn’t believe we only met a few short weeks ago. I think it’s been what a month? A month! Oh my fucking god I could already feel it coming. Groaning I hopped off the bed and made a mad dash for the bathroom.

“Feminine products, feminine products. Where are you?” I hummed to myself looking for the box. I swear if he didn’t bring any I will kill him. “Looking for this?” I turned around to find Xavier with the box. With a blush covering my cheeks I slowly made my way over to him.

“Thaaanks.”  He just smiled at me. “No problem sweet pea.” With a kiss on the tip of my nose, he left the box of tampons in my hands and shut the door behind him. Oh god. That had to be the most embarrassing thing ever.

Quickly I took a shower to sooth my aching stomach. I hate cramps. Fresh out of the shower with my hair smelling like peaches and strawberries I was greeted with the sight of my adorable boyfriend, chocolates in one hand and movies in another I found him sprawled out on the bed fast asleep.

Poor baby, he must have been waiting for me. I gave him a lingering kiss on the lips which he responded quiet quickly to. “Babe you out of the shower already?” Taking the movies and chocolates out of his hands I tucked him in under the covers.

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