♔Chapter Forty One♔

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Fearing Love from the Alpha 

Chapter 41


“Happy birthday.” A husky voice whispered in my ear. My ears twitched at his voice.  Snuggling deeper into the duvet I started to drift off into a dream state until I felt a pair of hot lips at my neck. My eyes instantly popped open.

“Xavier let me sleep.” I grumbled out trying to push his face away. I could hear his deep chuckle as his hands effortlessly pulled me up against him into sitting position. “What if I told you we had school?” My heart beaded faster at his words. School!

 My arms flared out as the words passed my lips. “Oh my fucking school!” My words came out as a mess as I tried making a dash for the bathroom. But my body was in protest as I realized it ached with every movement.

I couldn’t even get out of Xavier’s arms. “Easy there! I was kidding; we have a delay because it’s snowing.” I finally looked up into his eyes for the first since last night after our magical moment. His eyes were a bright grey almost blue. “Your eyes.” I whispered as my fingers grazed across his lids.

“I know so are yours.” I gave him a confused look until a mirror was placed in front of me, I gasped in surprise. “How is this possible?” Instead of the stormy blue they always were before, it was like the storm clouds had passed away leave sky blue irises.

 “They are as beautiful as before. When an Alpha and Luna mate for the first time, it’s like a light has finally shined through in there life. A new beginning and that in illuminated through the color of there eyes.” I couldn’t stop staring at his eyes. They were as beautiful as his flawless face.

I couldn’t’ stop from asking the question that had been bugging me from the moment I woke up. “Do you regret it?” Xavier’s face scrunched up in confusion before it finally dawned to him. His eyes turned to the dark grey they were last night.

A growl erupted from his throat as he pushed me back on the bed. It was almost like de’ja vu. “You really think I would regret worshiping your magnificent body.” A shiver ran down my spin as his lips caressed my neck as if it was the most delicate thing in the world.

When his lips touched the mark right under ear I moaned out loud against my will. “Your tattoo is already starting to show.” I looked at him confused until he lifted his hair up and showed me the right side of his neck. There was a beautiful navy blue crescent moon I hadn’t noticed before. My finger tips brushed passed it. “It’s beautiful.” I mumbled to myself. “Not as beautiful as you my dear.” I giggled as he started ticking my sides.

“Happy happy birthday Sasha!” Screamed a voice I knew so well. I was tackled into a hug against one of the school’s many lockers. A soft whimper left my lips as I felt her arms wrap around me. I was still pretty sore from last night. “Easy there Lacey.” Xavier said coming up behind and wrapping me up from behind.

He left a trail of butterfly kisses down my neck before taking me to class. Throughout the entire day I got birthday wishes from everyone. When I mean everyone I meant everyone. Whenever we walked passed a pack member they would bow down.

I had no clue we had teachers in school that were part of the pack, but they proved me wrong. By fifth period I was feeling worn out by the amount of thanks and hugs I had to give. Shutting the bathroom stall door I giggled remembering a pack member young boy who was a mere freshman asked me for a hug.

When I gave it to him I could hear the slight warning growling from behind. Xavier was jealous the entire day. My locker was filled with presents and flowers. I hadn’t known so many people had my birthday marked down in their calendar. The only thing that got me a little sad was the fact that Xavier hadn’t gotten me anything.

 I mean I was never the type to be mad over these types of things. I was okay with him not getting me anything. I finalized with myself. Xavier already had given me so much a roof over my head, love, and a new start. He was my new start. My phone buzzed in my pocket telling me I had a call.

“Hello?” I said forgetting to check who called. “Sweetheart where are you? You’ve had me worried sick!” I was confused at Xavier’s panicking voice. “What are you talking about I was just leaving the bathroom.”

“At 3 in the afternoon when school was let out fifteen minutes ago? I’ve been waiting by the car with everyone.” I looked down at my phone to see indeed it was fifteen passed three. “I must have daydreamed to long, sorry I’m on my way.” Turning my phone off I warped the scarf Lacey made me for my birthday around my neck.

Opening the school doors out to the parking lot I felt the cool breeze against my cheeks. It was a nice cool feeling. My eyes searched the still busy lot for a cretin boyfriend of mine.

 I could feel an electrical surge go through me as I turned to my right. Xavier stood against his SUV with both his and my backpack. Around him were all the presents.  A smile made its way to my face as I saw all the people I cared the most around the car as well.

There was Alisa who I didn’t hate so much leaning against the back of the car with Blade leaning over her whispering into her ear. She was looking at him as if he was the only thing that mattered to her.

Then there was Lacey my crazy best friend trying to peek at my presents with Carter scolding her from behind probably telling her to mind her own business.

 With the largest smile I could muster up on my face I walked down to my lovable boyfriend. Everyone around me were the people I loved the most. I don’t think I could ask for anything better. Wrapping my arms around Xavier I could see his smoky grey eyes light up with happiness.

 I stepped up on my tepee toes to give him a small peck of appreciation. With eyes closed my lips against his felt like I came from heaven and back. “What was that for?”

I could only think of one good reason for my display of affection. “For everything.” If his eyes could shine with anymore happiness I think they did. “Not yet.” He whispered before pulling out a tiny grey box out of his coat pocket.

“Open it.” Xavier looked as excited as a kid during Christmas. I slowly opened the box gasping at the beauty within. My eyes teared up looking at it. “Xavier.”  Enclosed within the box was a diamond studded crescent shaped moon with a topaz stone in the middle.

 My birthstone. “Will you put it on me?” He took the necklace out of the box, pushing my hair to the side he clipped it on. As his fingers grazed passed the back of my neck to the mark I couldn’t help but shiver. Slowly turning around to say thank you I was surprised by the forced kissed placed on my mouth. Not that         I was complaining.

 “What was that for?” I asked in a mocking tone. He gave me a sheepish smile. “Because I love you.” Wrapping my arms around him, I placed both my hands against his cheeks looking into the eyes that captured my attention the moment he walked into my life. “I love you too.”


Well here is the end.

Hahaha no not really, if you don’t want it to be. But today marks the one year anniversary of this story and I am proud to say it has come to an end. YES THERE WILL BE AN EPILOUGE. Then an Authors Note for my lovely fans who want my outlook on the story. After this I will be editing, yes I have read every single one of your comments and messages on my message board. I love every single one of my fans and message me anytime about anything. 

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