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Austin's P.O.V.

It's been a week sense I hung out with Vanessa's family. We still keep in touch with them. Today is the day of Vanessa's surprise party. Yesterday we went out to with her family and I surprised her when I flew her cousin Kimberly here. She is suppose to be staying with us for 2 weeks. Today is Vanessa's original birthday but she think I have to work today, so that's why we went to eat yesterday.

It's currently 12:00p.m. and Vanessa will be here around 5:00p.m. Becky took Vanessa to the mall with Kimberly to hang out, but in reality they are going to get her a dress for tonight. The girls will be distracting Vanessa while I get everything set up. I had gotten some of her family and friends to come, as well as mine. I would like to take this opportunity and also introduce her. Alex and Robert are blowing and hanging the balloons. Zach is helping me bring in a the drinks. My mom is setting up the food and making sure everything is alright.

As I was finished getting dressed the door bell rings. I take one last look in my mirror. I didn't really care what the people would think, I just wanted to look good for her. For some reason I find it amazing when she says I look breathtaking. When I know I have her attention. Today she was going to look stunning and I want to look qualified, when standing next to her.

"Let's roll" I whispered leaving my room and closing my door.

I was walking down the stairs, when I noticed my grandad was here with aunt Lisa. I run to go hug them and Thank them for being here.

"Thank you so much for coming!" I told them

"We couldn't miss such a romantic gesture" Aunt Lisa said

Before I knew it the house was packed with guest. My mom and Vanessa's mom were helping out the guest, also thanking them for coming. Taylor had just called me saying she needed help getting in, that paparazzi were crazy around the house. I was trying to find my way to the door, but with so many people it seemed impossible. I finally made it to the front door and walked out to the gate entrance.

"What's going on?" I asked security

"We can't let Ms. Swift car in without opening the gates. If we open the gate the paparazzi might get in" they explained

"Well is there any other way?" I asked

"Well we can get Ms. Swift in by having her get off the car and entertaining through the back gate door" They suggest

"Okay how do we let her know though?" I asked.

"One of security can get her, but you might want to call her to let her know" They told me

I took my phone out of my pocket. I looked through my contacts and found Taylor name. I tapped on her name.

"Hello" I hear her say

"Hey Taylor, it's too crazy to let you in with the car. Is it okay if my security bring you in through the back? You're going to get a little flashes in your face, but it's better than having them crash the party" I said joking

"That's fine, but I have Selena with me. Make sure they make room for both of us" She said

"Will do kiddo" I said smiling

My security were already on their way to get her. I saw my security open the back door, and out came Selena and Taylor. I saw the flashes go crazy. I ran to the side were the gate door was and waited for them. I saw them coming with the mob and security pushing them away. They let Selena in first and then Taylor. I waited for them in the drive way, because security wouldn't let me near the gates.

"Austin!" Taylor said running to hug me

"Tay!" I yelled hugging her

"It's so nice to finally see you" She said

We Can Make It (Austin Mahone)Where stories live. Discover now