The Real Him

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Vanessa's P.O.V

"You brought him here!" Adriana asked angry

"Of course I did. The whole point was for all of you to get to know him and spend time with him" I said a little frustrated

"No, the whole point was to spend time with YOU!" She yelled

"What do you have against him? Why is it that you can't support us? What is it that you hate about our relationship?" I yelled frustrated

"Because he's famous! His whole world revolves around his career! If they tell him he has to lie for the sake of his career, he will lie! If they tell him he has to break up with you for his career, he'll have too! When your on a date and he gets a phone call saying he has to leave for business, you can bet your ass he will! His career will always be between you! You'll start to feel like your competing with his career! There's nothing more that I want but for you to be happy! But this world isn't your world, it's his! It takes more than a couple months to be ready for it!" She pointed at Austin while yelling

"You don't think she will be happy with me" Austin finally spoke again

"No" Adriana said looking at him and crossing her arms

"Enough! You don't think I already thought about all those things? Every single thing you just said has popped in my head, and even more! I know what I'm getting myself into. Yes, his career is a big part of him, I know. But the minute I agreed to be with him, I agreed to support him also. I know he's a package deal with his career, his fans and his music. I consider these things as him. All of that is a part of him, they have made him the man he is today. I know all sides of him, because they're the same. He is the same guy you see talking on Tv, there's no difference. I met him with his career, so I'm dating him with his career. I'm not going to tell you I'm ready, cause I'm honestly not. But no matter what happens between us, I'm already stuck in this world of cameras. My name has been plastered on magazines. But the one thing I'm sure about is his love. I can feel it, it feels right. And if a heartbreak is what you fear, well you don't have to worry. The reason you probably fear one is because you don't know him" I said making my way to Austin

He smiles at me and I take his hand in mine. I wasn't really ready for what was to come, but with him next to me, I know We Can Make It.

"Maybe your right, their is a lot we have to consider if we want to be together. Vanessa said it herself, I'm a package deal. But if she's willing to take me as a package deal, you can bet your ass I will make it work. Yes, my career is a big part of me, but so are my love ones. Everybody knows that these two things don't cross together. My career doesn't have to interfere with my love ones, and my love ones don't have to interfere with my career" Austin tells Adriana

She stayed quiet. She only does that when she's thinking. She didn't know Austin, she only knew what the world knew. What he just told her wasn't what she had in mind. He showed her a little bit of his soft side. A side that much people don't see.

"Adriana you don't really know him, you only know what I world knows. Give him a chance. I know you won't regret it" I smiled at her.

"You really want to be with him?" She asked as her expression soften

"More than anything" I smiled wider

"One chance to prove me wrong" she said giving in

I quickly jump on her, giving her the hug I didn't give her when I first saw her. I could hear her laughing at my joy.

"Thank You" I whisper in her ear

"I just really hope he makes you happy" she whispers back

"He does, more than you can imagine" I say.

"Okay. I guess we should formally introduce our selfs" Adriana says pulling away

"I'm Austin" Austin says reaching out for Ariana's hand to shake

"I'm Adriana, Vanessa's cousin and your worst nightmare if you make a wrong turn" she says shaking his hand

"Why don't we got down stairs with the rest of the family" I say taking Austin's hand

"Okay. I'm staving already. Do you know what my mom made" she said making her way out of the room.

"No. I just said hi and went straight up to your room" I said going down the stairs

Once we reached the living room where everyone was, they all smiled wildly.

"What's everybody staring at?" Adriana asked

"I knew she was the only one to convince you" her mom said smiling

"Whatever. I still don't like the idea but he has a chance to prove me wrong" she said crossing her arms

"He's a good kid. I see it in his eyes. He's nervous. We make him nervous. You want to know why?" My aunts words were getting my attention by the minute. We didn't tell anyone about him being so nervous. Did it really show that much?

"Why Tia?" I said

"Because he really cares. He cares about what your family thinks of him. If we're happy with him, then you're happy and that's all he wants, for you to be happy" She said.

My aunts words had brought a smile to my face.

"So why weren't you arguing back with me? I mean you were pretty quiet and Vanessa was mostly doing the talking. Why?" Adriana asked Austin.

"I couldn't do a lot of talking. I can't prove you anything with words. I have to show you in order for you to believe me. Plus, from what I heard its best to not test you, only Vanessa is allowed to do that" Austin said rubbing that back of his neck

"Fair enough" Adriana said shrugging

"Okay! Let's go eat!" My aunt said clapping her hands together.

"Yes! I'm staving!" Adriana said

"Okay. So we should take two cars cause we won't fit in one" I said.

"Vanessa and I can take someone if you want" Austin offered

"Why don't you and Adriana go with us?" I asked my aunt

"No thanks. I would rather ride with your mom. Why don't you take one of the kids instead" my aunt suggest

"I mean Lipzzy was really excited. We can take her" Austin said.

"I don't know if she would want to come when she's around all of us instead of kids" I said

"We can take Nancy" Adriana said

"Okay then. Adriana and Nancy will ride with us. You and the kids with my mom" I said double checking.

"Si" My aunt said

"Okay. Let hope in the cars people! I'm starving!" Adriana yelled

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