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Austin's P.O.V.

I had Tony drive us there, cause I didn't really feel like driving and I wanted to spend as much time with Vanessa as I could. We were both in the back seat. Vanessa's legs bounced up and down showing she was excited and nervous. Our fingers were intertwine on Vanessa's thighs. I rubbed circles on her hand with my thumb, to calm her down.

"Are we there yet?" She asked for the 100th time.

"I don't know? We'll have to see?" I say messing with her.

We've been driving for about 25 minutes so we should be really close by now. Just then the car came to a stop.

"We're here" I smirk

Vanessa's P.O.V.

"We're here" I hear Austin say

Tony opens the door for us and Austin gets out first. Austin helps me get off and I feel the outside breeze hit me. We where parked in what looks like the middle of nowhere. Where did Austin take me? Austin takes my hand in his and leads the way. We walk up to what looked like the woods. How can one side be all cement and the other all trees and sticks? I gave Austin a confused look.

"Come on" he said chuckling

He pulls me into the woods. We had only walked 3 feet until we reach sand? I looked ahead of us and saw the beach date Austin had planned for us. I looked behind us to see the woods. The trees were what covered the beach so people couldn't see the beach well. I turned to face Austin and I smiled at him.

"You did this all" I asked stepping closer with each word I said.

"Well... with a little help from Becky" he said smiling

I was close enough to were our lips were only inches away.

"Thank you" I whisper before my lips met his. Austin quickly respond to my kiss and softly laid his hands on both sides on my cheeks. I did the same by laying both hand on each side of his torso. He licked my bottom lip asking for entrance and I gladly gave it to him. Are lips fit perfectly together, like if they were made for each other. I slowly pulled away and smiled at him.

"I love you so much" he said resting his forehead on my.

"I'd love to see what you have planned tonight?" I said giggling

He took my hand and walked us to the picnic he had set up. He had a thin mattress with, what looked like a short table in the middle, with pillows and candles all around. We reached the mattress and Austin started taking off his shoes. I slipped out of my flats and slowly stepped on the soft mattress. I sat down on the mattress and Austin did the same across from me. He already had our food ready. This is why Becky didn't want me to eat.
After about 30 minutes we are all done eating and were just talking about random things.

"Wanna take a walk?" Austin asked all of a sudden

"Yeah" I said standing up

I walk over to Austin and take his hand in mine. We were about 15 feet away from the water. We walked in silence until I felt the water touch my bare feet. We walked by the shore for about 5 minutes enjoy the calm feeling of the beach. Hearing the waves crash but feeling relaxed by the sound.

"It's beautiful, isn't it" I hear Austin say. I turn his way and saw he was looking at the water. Indeed the view was beautiful.

"Yeah" I smile

"Do you remember when I first called you beautiful?" He asked

The question actually surprised me. I didn't think Austin would have ever ask me that.

We Can Make It (Austin Mahone)Where stories live. Discover now