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Vanessa's P.O.V.

4 months later..

"Okay, thanks Jason and Ally. I'll see you guys tomorrow." I said packing up my things and getting ready to leave the studio.

"You okay?" Ally asked with a hint of worry in her voice.

I stopped packing up my things and froze for a moment. It's been 4 months since Austin disappeared and never came back. When I returned home he was gone. I never got a call or even a text message from him again. He left without saying goodbye and I haven't seen him since. I tried contacting him, but he wouldn't answer me. I even tried calling his mom, but she had changed her number and I couldn't get a hold of her new number. I also tried calling the boys, but it always sent me to voicemail. I flew to Miami the weekend Phil gave me off and the guard at his house said he wasn't home and he couldn't let me in without Austin's consent. I argued with him that I was Austin's girlfriend, but he still couldn't let me go in.

After a month I stopped trying. I accepted the fact that this was Austin's way of telling me he didn't want to continue with our relationship anymore. Rumors were already spreading that we had broken up, because we haven't been seen together. I told Phil that I didn't want to talk about the subject with the press. Phil had also told me that Austin hasn't spoken about it either.

Three months after— I unfollowed everyone on Instagram, including Austin and Justin. I only was following my family and fans. The week before Justin had already unfollowed me. Rumors sparked that I had gotten into a fight with the both of them. However, Justin did an interview and shut down the rumors by saying he wasn't in a fight with me and that he still loves me dearly. I haven't talk to him either, just like he asked me too. I heard from Cameron that he was doing great on tour. Although I would've preferred to see him myself, but I understood why he didn't want me there. He's still a very close friend of mine, but he wanted time. I know he left to not cause me anymore trouble with Austin, and in hope to maybe get rid of the feelings he holds. In the end I'm his friend and I want him to be happy.

"I'm fine." I smiled at Ally

"I know it's been a hard couple of months. Just remember that we're here for you." Jason said.

"I know. Thank you." I smiled at them.

"We just want to see you happy." He said.

"Well.. if you wanna see me happy, you better have food waiting for me here for tomorrow's session." I said laughing while trying to change the subject.

"You and your food." Ally said laughing.

"Alright, I'll see you guys tomorrow. Keep up the good work. This album's gotta be the best one yet!" I said pointing at them as I walked backwards towards the door.

"If you keeping working like this, trust me it will!" Jason said excited.

"I will. Bye guys!" I said waving at them before opening the door and walking out.

As I walked to the elevator, I searched my bag for my cell phone. I couldn't seem to find my phone and I ended up crashing into someone.

"Ops! I'm so sorry ma'am!" They said.

I lifted my head up to look at the person I had bumped into, immediately regretting it. In front of me stood the last person I wanted to see. Austin.

"What are you doing here?" I demanded.

"I'm working on a song with someone. You?" He spoke with a mysterious voice.

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