Starting The Day

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Vanessa's P.O.V.

I was awaken by the loud ringtone of my phone. I tried to open my eyes but was failing miserably. I reached for my phone on my nightstand as it kept ringing. I answered the phone without opening my eyes.

"Hello" I said sleepy

"Wake up!" I heard him say

I immediately sat up straight on my bed as I heard the sound of his voice.

"You little piece of shit! Don't you think you're off the hook for what you did yesterday!" I said through the phone

"Omg" I heard him laugh

"I know what you did Bieber" I scolded him

"What exactly did I do?" He said playing dumb

"You know what you did" I said

"What? Is it that wrong of me to post a video of you. Then realize I wasn't following my lovely bestie?" He said as if there was nothing wrong with it

"You couldn't have just followed me after the trending hashtag?" I said

"You have to admit it was pretty funny watching the fans go crazy" Justin said laughing

"Are you kidding me?" I said

"Don't telling me you weren't reading the comments and laughing?" He said

"No I wasn't! I had to log off because my phone was blowing up with notification" I said 'in a matter a fact' tone

"Well it was crazy. These people actually think we're dating" Justin said laughing

"I'm glad you find this funny" I said annoyed

"Okay. Okay. I'm sorry. Don't worry after a few days it will clam down. Beside we haven't conferred anything, so they shouldn't be freaking out" Justin said

"Fix this" I said

"It will fade away don't worry. Beside I wanted to talk to you about something serious" He said

"What is it?" I said interested

"I want you to meet Scooter today" He said

"Why?" I said confused

"Reason number one he's been wanting to know who I've been spending most of my time with. He kinda just wants to check up on me and make sure that I've got a good group around me. Reason number two is that he wants to talk to you about something important" Justin explained

"I don't know Justin..." I said unsure

"Don't worry it'll be fine. Scooter is not as scary as he looks." He said

"What time is this happening?" I asked

"In like 2 hours" Justin said

"Where?" I asked

"My house. If you'd like I can send someone to pick you up or I could do it myself" He said

"You don't have to pick me up. It's just that I don't know where you live?" I said

"I'll just send someone to pick you up than" He said

"Okay, I guess I'll see you later then" I said

"Okay, bye" he said before hanging up

I quickly got out of bed and headed straight for the shower. Once I was done showering I went into my closet. I didn't want to go too formal but not look careless either. I put on black high waited Demi jeans and a white long sleeve crop top. The crop top wasn't really short as it looked like I had tucked it in my pants. Only showing a small portion of my skin with I lifted my hands up. I was going to wear my heels but decided I didn't want to walk around with them so long, so I went with my white converse instead. I let my hair down with my natural curls. I walked out of my room closing the door behind me. I walk over to Kim's door and knock quietly just in case she was sleeping.

"Come in" I heard Kim say quietly

I opened the door and stepped in to see Kim snuggled in bed with her eyes shut.

"Hey, I'm gonna go over to Justin's place. Scooter wants to talk to me about something. I didn't ask earlier because I didn't think you would want to leave your bed. Although if you would like to come with, I'll wait for you" I said standing by the door.

"How long are you gonna take?" Kim said with a sleepy voice

"I have no idea" I said

"I don't want to stay here alone. I'm just gonna go take a quick shower and get dressed" She said yawning and getting out of bed

"I'll wait for you down stairs then" I said walking out the door

As I make my way down the stairs I take my phone out of my back pocket. I click on Austin's name and tap the call button. The phone rings two times before he answers.

"Hey gorgeous" I hear Austin say

"Hi" I said blushing

"You called right on queue, I was just about to call you" He said

"Really" I said chuckling

"Yeah, I'm about to do an interview and I wanted you to wish me the best of luck. Like how you always did before every interview I did" He said

"Oh yeah! Every time you did an interview I use to tell you a little quote from a movie" I said remembering

"Yeah, you always made me smile with them" Austin said

"Let see which should I say?" I said thinking

I heard Austin chuckle

"I enjoy seeing everything that you are, but I love everything that you aren't" I said

"What movie is that from?" Austin asked

"No movie. No quote. It's what I'm saying to you" I said

Austin was quiet for a minute before he said the three words I love to here "I love you"

"Me too" I said smiling

"I'll call you later. I have to go on now. Take care baby" he said

"Okay, I'll be waiting. Take care as well" I said before hanging up

I put my phone back in my pocket and Kimberly walked down the stairs ready.

"Ready?" I asked

"Ready" she said smiling

"Let's go then. There's a driver waiting for us down stairs" I said before grabbing my purse and making my way out the door.


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