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Kimberly's P.O.V

"Where is he!" I yelled quickly walking through the hotel hall.

"Kim, wait!" I heard Cam yell behind me.

I harshly opened the door to where they said Austin was.

"I just want to see her!" I heard Austin yell at the guard.

"Well you can't!" I yelled mad as I walked in the room.

"Kim, tell them to let me through. I just want to make sure she's okay." Austin said with a warning tone.

"I'm not telling them shit! Do us all a favor by turning around and leaving." I said with authority in my voice.

"I just want to see her! I'm not gonna hurt her!" He yelled.

"I'm not letting you anywhere near my cousin!" I yelled at him.

"You aren't gonna stop me! You are not in control here so stop acting like you are!" He yelled.

"That's it! I've had it with you!" I smashed the keys I had in my hand against the floor. I tried to run and hit him, but Cam wrapped his arms around my waist. "Let me go! Let me show him a piece of what I got!" I yelled trying to get out of Cam's hold.

"No, Kim. You're not here to fight him." Cam said holding me tighter.

"Leave Austin! Leave and never come back!" I yelled at him as I tried to get out of Cam's grip.

"I can't leave yet!" He yelled back at me.

"Then I'll make you leave!" I said trying to run towards him, but Cam only held me tighter.

"Kim, stop!" Cam told me.

"No! I can't stop! He hurt my cousin! He broke her and now I need to break his faces!" I yelled.

"I love her!" Austin told me.

"You don't love her! You don't hurt the people you love! That's not love! You only love yourself! You were only worried about yourself! You didn't really see all that she was doing for you, because you only cared about what you thought! You made Justin leave, because you're jealousy was getting out of control. When reality was that you're just a greedy person! Loves not selfish! You only wanted Vanessa to yourself! For what? What was the point of acting jealous of Justin if you were just gonna leave, huh? What was the point of everything if you just left, huh?" I yelled angrily.

"You don't know anything!" Austin said running his hand through his hair.

"Did you know she's a wreck!? Did you know that she tries to hold everything in during the day for everyone to think she's okay, then at night she cries herself to sleep? Did you know she blamed herself when you left? Did you know she wrote over 40 songs when you left? Did you know she has nightmares about you at night? Did you know that your past hunts her? Did you know she's trying to pickup herself up piece by piece? Do you know how much pain she is in... So don't you dare tell me I don't know anything! When the one who doesn't know anything is you!" I yelled at him.

"I made a mistake. People make mistakes. It's part of being human." He said calmer.

In that moment I saw something in Austin's eyes that I couldn't quite understand, but it made something more clear. He had the same look Vanessa did in her eyes.

Maybe their relationship was just two idiots who didn't know anything about each other, but were will to figure each other out.

"I know you made a mistake, but what are you doing about it? You're here trying to ask her for forgiveness, but you won't have anything good to say. You wanna why you don't have anything good to say? Because you're still seeing the other chick and you're still taking her out on dates. You'll just be waisting her time with bullshit. So don't come asking for forgiveness if you're not really sorry. Vanessa is a very busy person. She has a lot going on and doesn't have time for bullshit. She doesn't need a young foolish boy by her side. She doesn't need a man either, but if she has one then that's great. They can both be good together. But right now you're just too much to handle. She has other things to worry about and when she's ready she'll find you." I said calmer as well.

"Miss Kimberly." I heard Cody say my name from the door.

"Yes." I said looking at him.

I watched as he made his way towards me and whispered in my ears. "Vanessa isn't in her room. She told me to go back and rest, but I forgot to give her back her VIP pass. When I went back to give it to her she wasn't there. I looked everywhere for her, but she's nowhere to be found. I went to ask Dylan if he had seen her and he's also gone."

"What!?" I said frustrated.

"What's wrong?" Cam asked.

"Make sure he doesn't get anywhere near Vanessa's room. If he doesn't I'm killing everyone in this room. Make sure Mr. Mahone takes the first flight home." I told all the guards in the room.

"What's going on?" Cam asked as we left the room.

"Vanessa's missing. They can't find her anywhere." I told Cam as we walked to the front where Phil was waiting for us.

"Vanessa left with Dylan and we can't find them anywhere." Phil told me as we approached him.

"I know. Did you try calling Dylan?" I asked him.

"Straight to voicemail." Phill said.

"Cam did you bring you car?" I asked him.

"Yeah, it's parked in the bottom parking lot." Cam said nodding.

"Okay, we gonna split up. Cam and I are gonna look for her towards the west. Phil and the guards look for her towards the east." I said intertwining my hands with Cam as we started making our way to the elevator.

"Call me if you find her." Phil said as I entered the elevator with Cam.

"Okay. Austin is here so we have to find her before he runs into her." I told him before the elevator doors closed.

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