Steve Rogers X Bucky Barnes X M! Reader

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The cloock showed 3am when Steve woke up and noticed the lack of heat on his right side. His tense muscles felt Bucky that slowly opened his blue eyes and turned around now facing his boyfriend. The two made eye contact, then looked at the free space together.

Getting up older soldier stretched  then took a large blanket they were covered in and pull out his hand for captain to take.

Cold floor meet with the warm feet as they walked into direction of (Y/N)s lab that wasn't as far away from their room- not on other floor like Tony's or Bruce's.

Pressing the cod, metal door opened reviling blue light emmiting in the room and sleeping figure at the glass lab desk neer still working computer.

This position for sure was weird and wasnt comfortable at all. Two soldiers shared a look as small chuckles escaped their lips.

Moving further inside both of them closed the doors quietly. Steve walked to his other lover while Bucky went to many big shelves in tge corner and press the hidden button- it opened showing hidden room. Inside was big round pillow and some other smaller ones.

Blonde haired male picked up slightly shorter one up gently in his arms and walked where Bucky stood waiting.

Dark haired lover laid down first and opened his arms for Steve to place (Y/N) in that snuggled right into warm embrance not waking up. Once the two were put in place Steve took the blanket off of the edge where Bucky left it and covered the two with it.

Picking up a bit of the light material, taller male got under it wrapping an arm around both of his lovers then kiss (Y/N)s cheek and fall asleep not to long after.


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