Peter Parker X M! Reader

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Long one- kind of depressing(?)

I couldn't come up with something really fluffy so... Lets just get into it🕷️

It wasn't new for (Y/N) to be left alone, forgotten. His 'friends' always canceled plans or just haven't replied to text, calls.


NOBODY knew that he was THE 'Stark' He prevered it  from comming out, not wanting to have his personal live out in the TV and newspapers for everybody to see.

He wanted to make his dad proud tho- always comming up with plans on their newest missions but giving them to Steve not wanting to hand it himself knowing he won't do anything that way, that :
'(Y/N) not now. I' ll look later ok?' talk..


It hurt- but (Y/N) always put on a brave face like it did nothing to him, like he was ok.


Then it came... PETER PARKER... That boy.. Don't get me wrong he didn't hate him. He just was kinda jelous.... H-he just wanted a little bit of attention that Tony gave Peter... J-Just 1% like 'hey kid how was school?' or just simple 'good morning', little pat on the shoulder...

Just one look on him.. Smile that was on something he did.. Invent...

But it always was something or someone else...

Sometimes he still got hope but as fast as it showed that fast it was crushed into small peaces..


It didn't took long till (H/C) hsired boy deleted all his so called 'friends' contacts, not wanting to be person that is always for them 24/7 when for him was noone, not even for 30 seconds...


Some time after Peter spend more and more time with avengers he saw one specyfic door that weren't a glass, it was f/c not maching antyhing around them.

He got curious so one day he opened them and saw boy his age maby one year older sitting with his back to the door, in the middle of the room.

Plans and metal were all around him not in a messy way.

In front of the sitting male was some kind of robot like a Iron-man suit but at the same time different.

Soon the h/c boy stood up and gave the robot a command to turn on. 'eyes' began to glow as well with some parts of the body. "go rest" after that robot bagan to get smaller like a little ball and crawled crabb like to his place. After that unknow person turned around and saw Peter, the two got eyes wide open.

Peter fastly closed the door and run off.


After that Peter was speachles...
What was that boy doing...?
Was he an avenger too or 'interm' like him..?
WHO was that boy..?

He was too curious to let it slide. Maby some the avengers will know this person and answer his questions.

So next day when he came into the Tower, he made his way into the living area, to his luck all of the avengers were there (besides Tony, Bruce and Steve). "Morning Peter." Clint was the first person to notice him "G-good morning. " "Whats up?" Nat asked knowing something is off. "U-ummm well do you know this boy, like my age, (H/C) messy hair that is probably working in here?"

Avengers x male reader one shotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz