Peter Parker X M! Reader

757 22 2

Requested: by my friend

15"time for a pillow fight"
41"cheers for you and me"


May loves her nerd goofballs, Peter and his lovely boyfriend. Just thanks to their hard work they won international olimpiade and gained scholarship on the best college in NY.


When they first told her the news she was hugging them for about an hour telling how proud she is of them.
After she finally let them go they could breath normalny- not that they minded being hugged, it was just quite too tight.


May run up to the cup board and poured some strawberry smotchie.
"I still can't believe we did it!" 
"Then believe it, it was mostly thanks to you." (Y/N) kissed Peters cheek.
"I saw how hard you two worked so contribution of the work was the same." May said handing them a drink. "Cheers for you and me, my love." "Cheers!"

"Cheers for my two talented nerds." "May~!!" The two whined on what May chuckled.

"So, how do you want to celebrate?" "Maby tomorrow, we will go to that new small restaurant, it's really cozy and food is great." (Y/N) suggested. "Thats a good idea, lets do this. Now, I need to go to work, food is in the fridge, don't do anything dangerous!" Brown haired woman said going out then locked the door behind.


Boys went to Peters room to lay on bed and just talk. But as soon as (Y/N) saw pillows he grabbed one "Time for pillow fight~!" Only thanks to his spider sences Peter didn't got hit.
"Oh, you're on! " The room filled laugh ang giggles, sometimes screams.

They were really happy, Peter love his boyfriend so much, especially (Y/N)s childlidh ideas when they were alone like bulid a pilliw fort, goofy dancing, weird face photos, when (Y/N) made some of the whipped cream for hot chocolate he always put some on Peters nose smiling like an idiot making brunette smile too and start 'sweet game' but after it they needed to help eachother shower, especially hair.

Peter was lost in his head so he didn't saw when (Y/N) came up much closer to him. When he noticed lock of (H/C) hair he tripped of his feet and fall on the bed making (Y/N) laugh, getting emberessed he decided to grab (Y/N) hand and pull him closer.

Right now (Y/N) hands were on both sides of Peters head. "I love you" It was time for (Y/N) to start blushing.
"I love you too" Peter pulled his lovers head to his chest and kiss the top of it.


May found them cuddled up into eachother, taking a quick photo not wanting to distribut them more she covered them with red blanket and got out closing the door quietly.

Avengers x male reader one shotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz