Ned Leeds X M! Reader

884 23 2

Requested by: singer_in_depression

I really haven't got any idea for this one. It's probably the shortest thing I have ever writen so far.

But I hope you'll like it❤️

Decathlon team and some studest from other classes were on a school bus going on a science trip quite far away. The weather was beautifull even if it was snowing, sun was tearing through the clouds making snowflakes shine brightly.

Peter was sitting with MJ in front of Ned and (Y/N). Four of them had really good time talking and joking with eachother (Y/N)s head was on Neds shoulder hugging his arm in the proces making his lover smile widely and kiss (H/C) haired boy forehead.

Their fun atmosphere soon was gone as everyone heard hard foot steps.
Bridge started shaking, many people started to scream and run for their life. Teacher jelled to fastly get out of the bus.

Almost everyone was out when part of the brighe gave out and bus started to fall back, being neer the big crack. Teacher started helping people that were still inside but (Y/N) didn't have enough luck... 

The bus fell with him inside, Ned watched this- frozen in one place as bus hit water below broken construction... Disappearing in deep icy water...

Tears started to fell down his cheeks... That look in (E/C) eyes showed one - fear- None of them screamed out of pure schoock couldn't believe that was really happening.


Ned heard some cheering not that far away, it was spider-man helping people up on the good side of the bridge, they were hanging down in their cars and the only thing that holded them still was his webs.

When every car was up spidey swinged to his best friend and touched his shoulder. "Ned? Why are you crying?"


"He's fine."

Peter came up to the edge of the bridge reaching for a web and dragged up whatever was at the end.

It was (Y/N), perfectly fine- well only his cheek got a small scratch but he was fine- alive. They run up to eachother and hug, couldn't stop the tears that formed into his dark brown eyes Ned started crying much more as (Y/N) stroke his short black hair. "Y-you're h-here-" "I'm fine baby. I'm here." The two didn't move even a little bit still in eachother embrance. Mouthing a 'thank you' to spider-boy (Y/N) turned to nuzzle into shorters boy neck taking his scent calming him down a little.

Everyone got savety evacuated from the bridge as soon as fire brigade, ambulances and police arrived.

Studends could finaly go back home and rest after stressful day. (Y/N) after getting permission from his dad went with Ned to his house for sleepover already planning to cuddle for the rest of the day and night.


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