Peter Parker X M! Reader

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Today was a rough day for Peter so after school he decided to invite his lover to his house.

Taller male of course accepted, being very happy that he could spend more time with his Nerd-boy.

The two were in Peter's room now.
(Y/N) moved Peters desk neer bed so they could 'be closer' when he was writing another story for his book. Smaller male didn't mind, it was actually really relaxing, the person you love next to you doing what he loves in comfortable silence.

-A little bit later-

Peter didn't want to distrack (Y/N) from his work so he decided to wait and don't talk, instead he decided to do something his boyfriend loves.

Spider-boi began to play with (Y/N)s long soft (H/C) hair. For many people it was weird, tall boy, quite muscular bulid with really long hair. He looked like a character from some Fairy tale   or lord of rings elf, but for Peter it was so cool and hot too especially when (Y/N)'s front hair was pulled back into a small ponytail or when his hair were wet from the rain.

Smallers hands began to softly brush through them.

After a while and reduced number of ideas comming into (Y/N)'s head he noticed by the corner of his eye Peter playing with his hair. This made taller male smile and soon he got a few new ideas so without moving he started to write it down on a paper, enjoing the filling.

"I love your hair.... Please don't cut it..." Peter murmured "Don't worry love, I'm not planning too." (Y/N) turned to face his lying cynamon roll of a boyfriend.

With goffy adorible smile on Peter's face (Y/N) couldn't help it to just bend down and kiss smaller male pink lips. Pulling slightly away their eyes meet as smiles adored their faces. Before pulling fully away (Y/N) kissed peters forehead. "Can you do it a little bit more.. Please~?"

Even if (Y/N) is taller he's a big softie that loves cuddles, holding Peter against his chest, pulling him onto his lap and being the little spoon too.
When he doesn't get any affection or too little for his liking he always comes up to Peter and puts his head on a dest or sit down with his legs neer his chest head tilled to the side on knees looking up on him till he get some kind of affection (not wanting to distribute Peter when he works on his hero suit or overdue homework).

Spidey would lie if he say half of the time it wasn't on prupose to have reeeaaallyy loonngg cuddly session with his teddy bear.

"Of course I can." at this reply (Y/N) made a little happy dance making Peter giggle. "How about when I'm done we will cuddle?" Peter jumped up while screaming 'yes' all over again. (Y/N) chuckled and began to work faster to have his lover in his arms soon.


Avengers x male reader one shotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz