Bucky Barnes X M! Reader

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Bucky: shit were going to die..

*Said the white wolf feeling water got higher than before and didnt stop flowing into the room they were in*

Sam: now, I don't wanna hear that negative attitude. Look on the bright side!

(Y/N): Yay, we're gonna die! Woooo!

Sam: why am I on this mission with you two?

(Y/N): to be honest I don't know either but I'm starting to like it- never in my live I though I'll die this fast-

Bucky: are you ok doll-?

(Y/N): never been better- but seriously lets get out of here-

Sam: if you didn't notice already I am trying, while you two just stand there!

(Y/N): just grab the door knob and twist it.

Sam: you think its that eas- oh- holy shit!

(Y/N): just go with the flow Sam!

*Bucky gripped a pole with his metal arm while holding his boyfriend in place not letting the escaping watter take him away*

Bucky: you knew that from the start didn't you?

(Y/N): no- but I though it might work, didn't though about that opening them will make some kind of river that will take us- well only Sam- away.

Avengers x male reader one shotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz