Peter Parker X M! Reader

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I know its not the best one-

Enjoy I guess-

Peters stomach touched the soft matters as he laid down on his bed nearly falling asleep till he felt the bed dip a little under added weight.

Gentle hand ruffled his hair a bit then the brown haired teen felt his shirt being lifted up exposing his back and showing that purple bruises he still had from the fight with a cryminal.

Thankfully (Y/N)s left hand was warm when it touched the left left side of his back while right one hold him up enough not to fall onto Peter.

Tallers boy thumb made small circles on the warm skin as soft lips placed feathered kisses on his lovers back making Peter smile, slowly opening his eyes.

Pulling back (Y/N) sat on his boyfriends bum and went a bit forward making his own shirt tickle still exposed skin on Peters back getting out of the lying teen muffed giggles as he grabbed onto the white pillow.

Next thing he know kisses was placed on his neck then went behind his earlobe and lastly his cheek. Hovering above the smaller teen (Y/N) give him time to turn around to face him and that he did. Both of them smiled as they looked into eachother eyes.

Peter took his arms out and hugged his lover by the waist bringing him down enough so both of their chests touched feeling the body heat on his own while (Y/N) snuggled up being comfortable.

Being super hero was hard but Peter would lie if he said he didn't enjoy his boyfriends attention afterwards.

Avengers x male reader one shotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz