Pietro Maximoff X M! Reader

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Thanks to (Y/N) earth powers and much control of it he shield Pietro before bullets could hit him, so his idiot of a best friend didn't die and left him and his sister alone.

After everything everybody returned in one piece to Tower.  Wanda relived that her twin is ok as Pietro was too, (Y/N) just stood lending on a wall looking at the two with a smile on his lips.

Couple of days later (Y/N) was in Tonys lab talking with the bilionere about being a new member of the avengers. When Tony began to ramble, shorter male bagan to feel uncomfortable by the mass of the information he got" T-Tony wait. I don't know if this is a good idea . I mean I have more control of my powers but-" Tony pated (Y/N)'s shoulder "Don' t worry about it kid, you will train with Steve and others so it'll be fine. Also i'll gave you time to think about it" (Y/N) looked up with breath of relief "Thanks, now if you don't mind i'll go so you can do... Your thing." older male nooded and go off to probably 'upgrade' his suit.

(Y/N) exited the lab and since he got nothing to do he decided to serach for his best friend. Little to say Pietro found him first. With toothy grin silver haired male picked (Y/N) up runing to the kitchen knowing (Y/N) would be hungry cause he always eats at 3 pm(15:00) it was a habit by now. (H/C) haired boy chuckled still being in Pietro's arms "you can put me down now" taller male shook his head "Nah your light so I don't mind. Besides I like how your smaller body feels against mine-" "Pietro~" that comment erned Pietro a long whine and blushing face from (Y/N).

After soft laug Pietro calm down "so~ what do you want to eat?" "Can we get a chinese food? and soda?". Silver haired male rose a brow on with (Y/N) made a puppy dog eyes "sure" Pietro gave up making (Y/N) chuckle and hug him. "Wait for me here" (Y/N) nooded when his friend puted him on a couch watching blured fersion of a male that just stood in front of him.

After 15 min Pietro was back with food and drinks. Food was the best
(Y/N) ever ate. He wanted to know from where Pietro got it but older boy wouldn't say a thing even puppy eyes didn't work in this sytuation. Little that he know Pietro was more than happy to run many kilomiters to get it just for his crush. Soon (Y/N) gave up knowing he wouldn't win this time. Ending the rest of the food and cleaning up, both of them lie down. (Y/N) on top of Pietro with hands and head on his chest cuddling up more into him. Hugging shorter boy Pietro gave him kiss on the head.

" I love you shorty"

" I love you too dummy"

"Wanna be my boyfriend?"
Pietro heard chuckles.
(Y/N) got a little bit up to see his lovers face and kissed him on the lips.
"Took you long enough"


Avengers x male reader one shotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz