Scott Lang X M! Reader

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Well- I'm not proud how this one came out.. 


"Ok we need somebody to get inside without noticing, what will be trublesome: heat and motion detectors are pain in the ass right now for us." Tony said looking at the plan of the bulding they needed to get in for some important information.

"Can't we just hack in or turn off the cameras and detectors?" Peter asked.
"No can do, they will know who did it- and we don't want it to happen."

"So what can we do?" Nat asked sitting on the chair.
"Well... Right now we will wait. We need to think about it a bit more." Bruce answered looking at her.

"What if I got someone ideal for this kind of sytuation?" Scott said making some of his teammates laugh quietly. "Another ant-agent?" Clint said in a sarcastic voice making Scott sigh "Look, I know the person, just tell a word and he'll be there to help."

Everyone turmed to look at him.
"And how do you know he will help and not turn us in?"

"He won't, I have known him for a long time and we have worked together couple of times." They lookad at eachother as Scott waited for their decision.

"Well.. Lets meet this person and we will see." After that brown haired male got up and out of the meeting room to call his lover.


"Hi hunn-"

"Just get this over with."
(Y/N) from the start know when Scott called, he is in a deep shit or just set home on fire again trying to cook.

"Avengers need your help."

"Thats new.. Ok... Wait a minute."

Truth to be told (Y/N) is a CEO of (L/N) industries so he got a busy plan of the day but he will drop everything for Scott and his daughter- it doesn't mean he won't have to get on todays important meeting at other times.

"Ok what is this all about?" Scott heard (Y/N) car start, knowing he will be in the Tower soon. "They need to get a couple of information from somewhere-" "You wasn't listening on that part I assume." (Y/N) lightly chuckled hearing his love huff. "Anyway this place is guarded really hard some kind of heat and motion detectors also many cameras that we cant turn off-" "Nevermind I know what place were talking about. I'll be there in 5." 

"Thank you darling, I love y-"

"Yea, yea I know, love you too."


Scott came back after 10 minutes since he ended the call.
"So when will that ideal person be there?" Sam commented but Scott just smiled.

At that exacly moment Sam jumped screaming like a little girl yelling. "What was that?!" the rest looked at him weirdly but soon feel something rough touch their necks turning back but see nothing.

"Ok what is going on?" Tony asked but Scott just laughed at their faces.

"Ok. Come out." They saw a men in costume quite different from Scott's. The material was in different shades of green, violet, red, yellow and brown. Unknow person took of his helmet making his (H/C) locks fall on his face.

"(Y/N) (L/N), who would though it was you." Tony chuckled comming up to younger friend. "Certainly not SHIELD or an entity similar to it." The two did a hand shake with a quick hug and looked at others. "So, I heard ya need somebody who is invisible not only from the outside but also from the inside, huh?" Steve stood up. "Thats correct but how are you gonna make this inside being only invisible."

"Well to answer your question Capitan. I'm a vigilante by the name cameleon and my DNA isn't fully human- meaning my ability is to turn into ghost- something that just don't exist- what isn't easy to find, even harder to kill."


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