Sam Wilson X M! Reader

689 23 2

Quite short-

My old work,
I don't think its the best one-

Sam flew to (Y/N)s window in the middle of the night and knocked on the glass. Couple of seconds later sleepy figure came into view.

"Sammy? What are you doing here at this hour?" hoarse voice of his lover said while he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. "Get dressed, I'm taking you somewhere."

"You know I love you very much, but tell me why at this hour?? Can't it wait till morning?" "Love ya too baby, but it really can't wait." (Y/N) hang his head down sighing. "Get in, I'll be back." After 5 mins (Y/N) was ready.

Sam looked at his boyfriend and smiled at him. "You look gorgeous."
"If by saying gorgeous you mean like a zombie with much lack of sleep wearing an old hoodie, pair of ripped jeans and tousled hair, then yes, I am gorgeous." Bird-man chuckled comming up closer to his lover wrapped his arms around him and kissing his cheek.

"Shall we go?" "Sure, lead the way."
At this moment (Y/N) felt lack of ground under his feet making him a little worried what will happend next.


They flew high into the night sky but
(Y/N) hide his face in the crook of his lovers neck making the winged male smile and stop in midair quite high. "Look." (H/C) haired male straighten himself and looked around, his eyes widen sparks showing in them, lips formed huge smile. Dark skinned male couldn't take his eyes of how happy (Y/N) was.

By now Sam would say something but he was silent so (Y/N) looked at him.

"What got you so silent?"

"You... I am really lucky to have you by my side, as my lover." (Y/N) blushed looking elswhere than Falkons eyes.

"Why did you take me here?"

"To show you all the stars and ask if you would like to live with me in my house- it will make it our house-"

Sam stoped when he felt strong hand gripped his green t-shirt.
"You're not joking?"

"I wouldn't dare."

"Then I agree."

The two lightly kissed.

"Now, birdboy, take me to my house I got some packing to do."

"Of course love but after we came back to your house and cuddle while sleeping. In the morning we will start the packing."


Avengers x male reader one shotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz