Peter Parker X M! Reader

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Peter meet (Y/N) in Avengers base while he was talking about his last mission with Mr. Statk. And since Tony sill though of Peter as immature teenager he decided to 'watch him over'- meaning by it to hire someone that could go to school with him. Now Tony could make small robot to track, observe and babysit Peter but he haven't got time for checking the videos or to even bulid it, getting more and more busy with paper work.

So it was (Y/N)'s job now- like he wasn't busy with his own thing before it. (Y/N) is Tony's hacker and informator so he often was locked in his own room to track 'bad people' before they could hit the city with whatever they created.

At first Peter assumed (Y/N) was older than him about 5 years and was stressed that 20 year old male will be watching over him. He also was mad at Mr. Stark about whole babysitting thing but as soon he heard (Y/N) is only a few months older, evenything went smoothly.

(Y/N) helped him in missions, he got a lot less injuries and when he got some cuts (Y/N) was there to take care of him. When he skipped school (Y/N) already got notes for him and small separate notes to easly learn for up comming tests.

Aunt May didn't like the boy at first knowing he works for Stark but seeing how he made Peter's gades go up and how protective he is of her nephew, she was ok with it. (Y/N) also told everything about himself that she wanted to know (not about the part of him being Tony's hacker). May also wasn't as worried of Peter as before so he could do his spidey things more freealy.

After a couple of weeks Spider-boi developed a crush on a hacker boy, he bagan to blush more around him. Of course (Y/N) noticed this, at first he got worried that Peter hot sick so he was at least 5 times a day checking his temperature and making sure he wasn't too hot or too cold. When Peter would shiver (Y/N) would wrap his arms around smaller boy.

But (Y/N) wasn't dumb. He observed Peter's behavior towards him. When (Y/N) was present Peter would blush more also his voice would change a little so the only option was that he have a crush on him. The (H/C) haired boy liked Peter in that way too- well lets be honest (Y/N) is as straight as a circle- in other words gay as fuck. And why wouldn't he have a crush on that adorible bean that was Peter Parker.

Present time. Friday.

Peter's alarm went off it was about 7:30 so he got plenty of time to get ready for school. He got up to take a quick shower then went to his wardrobe prepare some clothes to put on. "Peter breakfast is ready!" May called from the kithen. "I'll be there soon" teenager answered putting on his blue sweater on his white button up shirt with grey pants and white socks. Exiting his room Peter make his way to the kitchen. "I made some toast with eggs and bacon" May smiled putting on the table two more plates and cups. "Thanks." Brunette smiled and sat down. While they eate Peter got a text.

Hi Pete-pie
I won't be able to came
fot you today.
Need to serach
some more info about
this 'mysterious' guy
in town Tony won't
stop talk about.
Will see ya later tho-

Ok see you later.

"Eat up and pack your books, (Y/N) would be here soon. "

"Actually, he texted me something came up so he won't go to school. "

"Ok, just be carefoul. "
After packing his books he was off.
Ned was waiting for him in they usuall spot. "Hey, where is (Y/N)?"
"Somethimg came up so he can't walk with us. He said he'll be latter tho. "
Ned nooded.

Half of the day passed. 13:37- lunch break

(Y/N) still haven't come to school and wasn't picking up his phone or replied on messages. "Weird..." Peter mumbled under his breath looking at his phone. "What's weird?" Ned asked eating his sandwich. "(Y/N) is not responding. I'm getting worried" Need nooded agreeing with him. " Penis Parker where is yout 'friend' already got bored of you?" Flash said laughing with his so called friends. Before he could add something more big TV that usually show music channel started to show 'news on live'. Everybody turned to look at it.

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