Tony X Bruce X M Reader

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For now I won't t be posting anything even requests to any of my books- I'm really sorry about it💔

Lets just say this writers block is still with me and you have no idea how much I want to start writing again....

Also I'll be starting internship soon and my school is sometimes till 9pm on Tuesdays..

(I guess even on weekends I won't be able to have much free time when internship start..)

Warning: only (bad writen) fluf
Edited: kind off❓❓


(Y/N) gets full sleves arms tattoos but nobody knows about them.

He always wears skin tight long sleeve shirts undernith a loose tshirt, sometimes is plain black and white other times its really colorfull.

On a mission his suit is kind of like his boyfriends iron man suit but he doesn't nessesery need it being a mutant like his other lover- bruce.

One time peter spill all of his drink on (Y/N)s colorfull shirts and started to panick.

"im so sorry mr. (L/N)-"

"it ok spidey, nothing big happend."

After (Y/N) patted peters brown locks he took off his shirts and thats when others saw his tatoos. They were shoocked they didnt noticed it earlier but well- his everyday clothes didny show much skin.

Out of the two lovers Tony was first one to saw when (Y/N) walked into his lab in black tank top making bilionare open his mouth spilling all of his coffe that was inside them. It lightly taken aback (Y/N) looking like Stark completly loose his mind but then Bruce comment made him aware what is he wearing. "I didn't know you got tatoos."

"oh yea, well i havent got a time to actually tell you." (H/C) haired male nervously scratched his neck with tight liped smile. "Close your mouth tony you already made a mess on the floor and I don't want you to choke when something gets in your mouth."

Dum-E handed Tony couple of wipes but taller male didnt make a move to take them still staring at his lovers arms covered in black ink.

Scientist and ex-fighter looked at eachother giving a knowing look when their eyes meet. Both of them moved at the same time making Tony rose a brow curious what will happen.

With swift motion stained shirt was on the lab floor and Tonys chest was getting wiped with wet clothing by (Y/N). "now, go get a shower we have a meeting in 30 minutes."

With that both of the men got out talking about up comming mission leaving the bilionare standing in the middle of the lab quite dissapointed noone of them will join him- little did he know they planed something special since today is valentine's day and of course he forgotten about it but they gladly would remaind him.

Avengers x male reader one shotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz