Bucky Barnes X M! Reader

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Requested by: MarvelAndAnimeGeek

Warning: reader was like Bucky- HYDRA expiriment.

I just can't get a hold of the inspiration to write..

So I'm really sorry if it's terrible.

Edited: kind of...

Comfortable scars but not for eachother.

When avengers rescued (Y/N) it became clear he went the same way bucky did- only without brainwashing so his memory was prestent from his normal life till today, replaying it self like a broken record without stopping.

They could tell HYDRA wanted to make another soldier with metal arm but what was different that (Y/N)s arm got metal in parts of his flesh and reached to his chests- covering his heart.

Just like Bucky he got many scars where the matal ended- wanting it so just some kind of fell form his body to dissapeer. Winter soldier remember shorter male- he may be made a winter soldier, but HYDRA aslo wanted smaller- less muscular but still deadly version that will work mostly as a spy that didnt need anyone to help him get away when event didnt go as planed.

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The two always work out together and spar being the most simmilliar ones to take eachother punches, they didnt need to hold back too much feeling comfortable knowing they couldnt do much damage to their bodies. They had some kind of bond between them- it was nice to know there is somebody like you, that know your pain- that you can relate too.

They felt comfortable enough to talk and sometimes joke about their metal arms but deep down part of them still didnt accepted what they are.

That made them much closer to be honest- they didn't need to pretend in eachother presence that they are feeling ok, it didn't bothers them to be-.. different as much as before.

The ex-killing machine- that they were murders on every order HYDRA got for them.

They could easly came to one anothers bedroom at night- knowing they always got eachothers back and just cry without explaining what it was about- many would wonder which one nightmare it was now- but thanks to their talking they already know it, just be how their shoulders shivered, body tensed, tears fell out of their eyes or by how shallow their hiccups were.

There was time when Bucky got a nightmare and friday informed (Y/N) about it. Smaller male didnt even put a shirt on neither bothering about how cold his feet felt on the slippery flor in stark tower- his legs led him straight to his friends room wanting to embrance him in warm hug and calm him down. Most of the time it worked but (Y/N) wouldnt go that night to his own room staying cuddled up together.

They needed eachother and they know it.

Maby their relationship will change in  the future or maby stay the same- but now they ok as it is.


Avengers x male reader one shotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz