Peter Parker X M! Reader

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Pure fluff

Warning:(Y/N) was an ex-experiment of HYDRA.
He just have some ability.
Nothing related to blood.


It wasn't a secret that the two youngest 'members' of Avengers were together.
By now everyone was used to it.

(Y/N) and Peter was doing everything together.

School project-you'll find them at Peter's place, (Y/N)s room or big library in Tower.

When none of the adults decided to cook, (Y/N) was more than happy to improve his skills, with Peter watching him standing beside the slightly taller male hugging him loosely or sitting on the countertop talking casually of everything that happend or will in the future.

Since the two were vigilante, they did patrols together and of course fighting. Thanks to that, there was less damage on the street after everything ended.

People name them
- the perfect duo.

(Y/N)s dad wasn't worried about (Y/N) grades since they were high thanks to learning with spider-boi. The soldier was woried only about his sons self-defense if the two got separated. Knowing (Y/N) wasn't much of a fighter, but could kick ass when needed (he most of the time didn't wanted to). He was more of a strategist and how to avoid injuries, even if they were in the middle of the fight. So at least twice a month he checked (Y/N) if he slacks off or not.


Peter at first was shoocked that there is another boy his age - (well practicly older by 70 years but his age stopped at 15 thanks to the ice he was in)- working with avengers but he aslo was happy, since now he got himself a boyfriend that he loves dearly and could spend not only time in school with him.
When Stark couldn't help him in the lab (Y/N) was always there if he needed anything. He may not have much knowledge about inventing new equipment to help them but he do his best even if he practicly lives  all his live in the tower cause his dad is an avenger.

Before (Y/N) meet Peter, he was helping Nat and Clint with they work to 'kind of know what to do', sometines he helped Bruce in his lab with some chemicals.

(Y/N) was like Pepper always told him to take a break or he will force him to take one. That was also the first time he tried something that (Y/N) cooked. Little to say Peter fell for (H/C) haired boy even more


What shoocekd the brunette boy the most was when he heard (Y/N) call - dad no other person that Steve Rogers aka. Captain Ameryka. But he was glad Cap didn't tell them to brake up.

Steve may not know and not fully understands the whole LGBTQ thing but for him -" Love is love and im not gonna be a wall between the two of you" this words made the two really happy. He just wanted them to promise they wont do anything stupid which they nooded at.

To tell the truth Steve heart melted every time he saw Peter and his son happy together. Even if they have an argument they could solve it in less than an hour without any help just by talking honestly.


In the gym, one time they were focused on the training the other time they were playing around, but no metter whitch one it was most of the time it ended the same way by teasing eachother.

When one of them lay pinned to the mat the other would squish his cheeks and say 'i love you' and the pinned one would try to say it back only to get something the two would brust out laughing on, there also was some eskimo kisses, tickle war, hugging or swinging from the celling - that was weirdly cute since (Y/N) big wings would wrap around them making a Cocoon.

Team loved to watch the two lovebirds.

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