Tony Stark X M! Reader

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Team thinks Tony is working in his lab as always.

To their suprise its (Y/N) they met him a couple of days ago when he bring Tony important elements to create another part of his suit.

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"Where is Tony?"

This startled sitting male making him jump. He turned around and blinked before answearing. "Tony went out"

"When he'll be back?" Nat asked
"Dunno, he said it could take some time before he'll be back so I'm here alone working." They nooded.
"Want some company?" Thor asked smiling brightly.
"I don't want to hold you from your things so-" Thor cutted him off "Nonsense right now we have nothing to do." He looked at his friends to confirm that information.

"Yea also we don't want you to be here alone."

They stayed in, sometimes they talked about stupid things couple of jokes made them laugh really hard (Y/N) was glad he was sitting on the ground not like Clint on the couch 'cause he fell down couple of times making them laugh even more.

-After 4 hours tony returned-

"What are you all doing here?" Tony asked seeing his teammates in his lab smiling like idiots.

"Tony, stop it and order some food already~ ya know I don't know where did you buy it." (Y/N) whined his face still a little red from laugh.
"Comming right up baby." Brown haired male said and pull out his phone to text somebody.

This made team speachless. This was the first time they heard Tony said that word to somebody that wasn't women.

"Umm Tony?"

"Did you not tell us about something?"

Tony looked at them and blinked
"I was thinking Nat told you already. "
They all looked at Nat questionably then back at Tony.
"Tell us what.. and what with Pepper?"

"What with me?"
Pepper asked comming in and kissing Tony on the cheek then comming up to (Y/N) doing the same but to his head then sat on the dest next to (H/C) male looking at work he did.

"Can you explain what is going on with you three?" Clint asked.
"Well if you this much want to know, Pepper is (Y/N)s sister and (Y/N) is-"
"Tonys husband of the past four years." Pepper ended smiling at the two most important men in her live.


Avengers x male reader one shotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz