Steve Rogers X M! Reader

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Requested by: Toast-Exe

I dunno if I'm happy how it turned out-

I hope you'll like it tho-❤️


(Y/N) heard opening of his front door and smiled already knowing who it was- truth to be told his lover recently started to live with him having his own pair of keys he could just walk in.

"I'm in the kitchen making your favourite. Take off your coat and boots then take a shower, dinner will be ready when you will be done."

He didn't heard anyting so he turned around but soon water started pouring so (Y/N) turned back- not fully- hearing muffed cries. Worried taller male left everything in the kitchen and went to bathroom.

Knocking lightly on the door not wanting to startle smaller male by just  wide opening it, he slowly open them. He walked inside and first thing he saw was his lovers clothes- blooded and torn in a few places.

"Steve. Can I move the cutrain?" Blonde haired male was hesistant to answer with his voice so light 'Mhm' was heard.

(Y/N) again slowely opened the curtain and saw that skinni small figure all beaten up.

"Baby.. Come here...." Steve moved into warm embrance. (E/C) eyes looked at the man in his arms taking all the scars he had, not carring about how his (F/C) button up shirt got more and more wet.

He felt gulit. He could be there for Steve but he wasn't.. He know how everyone looked at that frangle figure yet he was at home at that time when somebody beat the love of his live.

"It's ok. Im here... I'll lightly scrub the dirt with the soaped sponge, just hold onto me, then we will rub some alcohol on them and patch you up."

Informing his lover about what taller man will do next maked Steve relax a bit. (Y/N) though it was the right thing to do not wanting Steve to feel unfomfortable by the movenent of his hand.

When soap meet fresh wound Steve hissed by the pain, but everytime
(Y/N) kissed top of his head relaxing Steve again.

(H/C) haired male took off his shirt and continued to gently scrub soft skin of his lover. Then turned on the water again, warm enough to just wash off the foam. Taking the fluffy towel (Y/N) wrapped it around Steve and picked him slowely up. Going on the couch he laid smaller male on it.

"I'll go for first aid kit. I'll be back soon."


It wasnt the first time Steve got beaten up. But this time it cross the line, (Y/N) will need to check later if his ribs and bones are ok. Right now he just needed to patch him up and make sure he feel comfortable.

Returning with small aid kit (Y/N) started to work. Everytime (H/C) haired male saw a scar he kissed it lightly then rub warmer alcohol.


"All done."

Starting to clean everything up he felt pair of arms wrapped around his torso and kiss placed on his shoulder he looked down then back.

"Thank you.. For everything.."

"Baby... You don't need to thank me."
Turning back (Y/N) gently wrapped his arms around his lovers waist.
"I love you and I would do anything for you."


They spend some time hugging on the couch but soon Steve started to shiver forgetting about still sitting in the wet towel. "Lets go to bedroom, I'll gave you one of mine shirts. Then we will eat something, I know you're hungry."

Getting up Steve was still in taller mans arms.

"You know I can go on my own."

"And let your feet freeze by the cold floor making you catch a cold? As much as I love taking care of you I want you to be healthy."

The two eat dinner and spend the rest of the day cuddling exchanging kisses.


Avengers x male reader one shotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz