① | 𝙋𝙧𝙤𝙢𝙤𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣

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— •Jeon Towers• —

Reading the golden name above the entrance of the building every day never gets tiring.

It's a constant reminder of how far you've come in your early life. Once passing through the front doors, you notice right away how slippery the ground floor is. The pouring rain outside tracks in all the water and dirt from the streets into the luxurious building.

Softly, you wipe your forehead and take down your umbrella, shaking off the droplets of the rainwater that remain.

Today is not your day. You woke up late, missed the bus, and a sudden rainstorm started out of nowhere while walking on the busy streets this gloomy morning. You look down at yourself, checking if your clothes are soaked.

You feel your hair gently first, seeing if your hair seemed out of place in its nicely-fitted bun. The brown, button-up blouse is clear of any water, and your matching long, brown office pants are clean as well. Your black high heels aren't dirty either. You quickly take off your black glasses, checking for any specks of dirt from hurrying to get here on time.

Closing your eyes, you find peace for a second. From time to time, you have to remember that life doesn't suck... just that particular days do.

You place your wet umbrella into the piles of others and leave it behind as you walk past the lobby of the towering structure.

Pulling out your keycard, you swipe past the metal gates and walk towards the fancy elevators. Impatiently, you keep looking up as the numbers above the elevator go down.

'Come on,'

Soon enough, the elevator door opens, and you stand to the side as people flow out of the cramped space.

You step in quickly, hitting the seventh-floor button a couple of times. The only good part about today is that you made it on time and managed to get your boss's coffee before the busy morning crowd rolled into the café earlier.

The coffee, still warm, rest in your hand as you fidget with your purse to pull out the work you had to stay up last night working on.

This job is exhausting. The only reason you stay is because for the last few weeks your boss has been searching for someone on your floor to move up a level.

You've been sucking up big time for this opportunity. It started with staying late at work, then progressed to buying your boss coffee, doing smaller errands, such as grabbing lunch for him and all the people that were in his meetings at the time, not to mention doing some of his workloads for him.

All your free time went down the drain when this started. You weren't able to go out and hang with friends or even spend your time binge-watching tv series on the weekends. This has been pure hell.

The elevator doors ding, and you step out and walk to your cubicle like any ordinary day. Placing down your belongings on your desk, you grab the folder that's piled high with paperwork and head towards your boss's office.

Knocking on the door, you call out his name.

"Mr. Lee? I have your files and coffee." You say softly, noticing how more and more people are starting to get here before work begins.

"Yes, come in, Y/N." You gently turn the doorknob, careful not to spill the coffee while your hands are full, and walk into the small room with a warm smile.

Stepping towards his desk, you place down the cup of coffee and files. You remain quiet since he's on the phone. He spins lightly in his rolling chair, and his fingers loop in between the black spirals of the phone cord.

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